Thanks, Tom, so glad you enjoyed it, too. The Ask Your Neighbor show has been broadcasting since 1962! He interviewed nudists, drag queens, neo-Nazis, and strippers of all sorts. It was also in the conversation with the Colonel that I was urged not to sell my business as long, he told me, as I had the energy and the aptitude to run it myself. Ive been asked by People Magazine, at least once a month for six months even before the Donahue show appearance to grant them an interview. Pitzer diligently did just that-to discover that the secret behind that finger lickin flavor was Good Seasons brand Italian salad dressing mix. AlsoBob Hynes and Jack Mindy, each, of WJR-Radio fame (Detroit, MI). The court ruled in his favor. However, Moms relationships with radio talk shows and their hosts went on for more than 32 additional years, when she was forced to give it up for health reasons. The requests and orders generated from that show, as it aired and re-aired around the world for about a year, just kept pouring in! I am a 68 year old grandma who had the same enlightenment regarding politics as he has and almost completely agree with him. I know, from my own personal experience, that writing can be a long and, sometimes, personally draining process; as much so as marketing! But the letters came in best chicken we ever had; LOVED that fried chicken recipe; our favorite chicken recipe; and maybe the Colonel should have used YOUR recipe!. Guests seated on stage, facing audience. So it was, indeed, the Colonel himself who put me on the right track with this recipe, and with thousands of people listening in the Dallas area. Thanks, Frank, great commentary. Happy Monday AND happy June to one and all! Today, July 15th, is National Give Something Away Day! The Radicalization of Phil Donahue Reality Asserts Itself (1/3). Before Mom hung up her hat and magnifying glass to fully retire, (in exchange for a self-addressed, stamped envelope) she was graciously giving away free sheets of 12-20 of her best, most popularly requested, recipes and information on what publications she had in print and how to get them. Nonetheless, it is still Monday and I have to say #TGIM because, regardless of the days events, I always look forward to Mondays; as they are my #52Chances each year, in which I have to share my memories of Mom with all of you! Angels were our connection. He said he wanted to see just what kind of a detective I REALLY was, so he told me to go to the supermarket and find one product in a (quote) package that would do the same job as those 11 herbs and spices. The whole year, following that appearance was, probably, the most chaotic time in the 40-year history of Moms family-run, dining room table, cottage-style operation. Story Transcript. Harland was one of the food industrys most successful men. Scheduled topic: virtual-reality computer programs and sex. We tested a dozen or more products during the next six days. We were settling down in our new house in St. Clair, with our office in the basement. (Note: Dipping spoon into cold water keeps the dough from sticking.) NO LONGER IN PRINT this cookbook, having 60 pages and an 8.5 x 11 format, includes Our Story & information about our family, The Donahue Show phenomena (pgs. NOTE: Thorne lived in Boston for a number of years, where he self-published a number of culinary pamphlets reviewed at the time by The New York Times, which in 1983 grew into his ongoing newsletter,Simple Cooking. He told me to look around the grocery store for one packaged product to replace the 11 spices which I did diligently and discovered that powdered Italian salad dressing mix was the secret! But, when you dont have a lot of money to spend on that kind of stuff, like me; sometimes, you just have to suck-it-up and learn how to do it yourself. The towns German heritage exudes from its many restaurants, hotels, breweries and quaint little shops that line the mile-plus length of the main street through town from Bronners Christmas Wonderland (which is all Christmas, all year) to the Frankenmuth Brewery! Lift off plate and peel back waxed paper. Youre so right about the insidious aggression of vulgar TV and now with cinema- (everything has to be super-) sized wide digital screens it is a horrendous assault. [NOTE: As mentioned previously, Michael Neills story, For Gloria Pitzer, Unlocking the Secrets of Fast-Food Recipes is Easy: Just Fake and Bake, appeared in the May 7, 1990 issue of People Weekly, on pages 81-82.]. My inspiration for this weeks blog (titled after one of Moms old syndicated columns) came from an email solicitation I recently received, to pay this company to market Moms last cookbook, Gloria Pitzers Cookbook The Best of the Recipe Detective (Balboa Press; Jan. 2018), which is mine now. Talk show host Phil Donahue and actress Rosie Perez attend the launch of Marlo Thomas' new children's book "Thanks And Giving All Year Long" at Books. But as it coddles, it also betrays, for like many seducers it is not what it pretends to be. Beyond Vietnam A Time to Break Silence, by Martin Luther King, Jr. + MLK: Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam. Pauls 82-year-old aunt claimed why the chicken always came out just right every time she made it which was religiously every Sunday it was the pan! It also brought MILLIONS of new eyes to Moms cookbooks and newsletters and overall talent as she appeared on television screens, in millions of homes, world-wide. The onslaught of mail had forced us to do this. Make slits for steam to escape. 41 & 65). Thank you so much for this interview. Perhaps, however, both the Democrats and Republicans are owned by the same corporations. It turned out to be a really rewarding experience for Mom; especially when she was surprised by Wally Amos, being there, in person, to taste her imitation of one of his Famous cookies. Mind you marketing necessity has already rendered much of the Internet a dead zone. Chivalry, courtesy and civility are not dead nor can it hibernate, as long as we continue to teach it to each new generation! Guest: author Theodore I. Rubin ("Reconciliations"). Their threats of lawsuits had Mom and Dad quite frightened at one time or another for attempting to duplicate their secrets in her own kitchen. Gloria Pitzer (1982), There are still more thanks to be made, however, theyll have to wait for my next blog. We knew that making a lot of money in a big hurry was not what we wanted, even though it might have been what others thought we should have done. Remembering Recollections of how we developed our Secret Recipes and the unique circumstances under which this dining room table operation has endured will surely never make the best sellers list, and perhaps not even interest most critics, let alone the skeptics. In California, it wasnt long before Mom and Dad started missing the things about St. Clair that originally attracted them to move there from Algonac, in the first placethe friendliness of the town, the security of walking the streets without fearing harm, the simplicity of her small-town life. [ show graphic: "Advertise Your Product Here: 212-555-0189" ] [ dissolve back to "Donahue" ] Phil Donahue: I am more than a little proud.. to say we have been joined, from her home in Malibu, by my good friend, the beautiful and ageless Barbra Streisand. Only Dream Whip has so far managed to stymie her, and that probably not for long. It is as much a thrill for me, today, to hear somebody request that Gloria, The Secret Recipe Detective try to duplicate a recipe, as it was for me a decade ago when it all began. I also tell you in detail, in that book, about our visit to The Donahue Show when I was asked to prepare the famous chicken on camera for millions of viewers and, instead of a deep fryer, the staff provided me, by mistake, with a toaster oven. SPECIAL NOTE: The tomato powder called for in the above recipe was also the recipe I shared in last weeks blog post at: Phil Donahue Net Worth He has accumulated a decent fortune from his journalism and also his books. Workers and the labor movement, again this administration has done nothing for those who want jobs and cannot find them. Long story, short newspaper advertisers kicked up a fuss editor strongly suggested Mom go back to hum-drum brownie recipes Mom quit and started her own publication, giving the public what they wanted; as she discovered from their requests, because there wasnt any other source (at that time) from which to feed the ever-growing hunger for recipe secrets to imitate famous restaurant dishes, fast food, junk food and grocery products at home. Amazingly, when the Phil Donahue Show people called again, 12 years later, in 1993, Mom agreed to return for another episode; but only with the stipulation that they not give out any contact information for Secret RecipesTM or our family. In honor of June being National Country Cooking Month, here are TWO of Moms copycat recipes one for Betsy Ross Custardy Cornbread! Mom didnt have YouTube to guide her So, she succeeded on her past experiences in the newspaper business and her own basic instincts. Watch the video at the end of the post I mentioned in another comment: The Radicalization of Martin Luther King, Jr. + MLK: Where Do We Go FromHere? As I mentioned above, today is National Fried Chicken Day which makes it a finger licking good day in my book and tomorrow will actually be the 39th anniversary of when Mom FIRST appeared on the Phil Donahue Show (July 7, 1981); demonstrating, among other things, how she imitated fried chicken like the Colonels right at home! I look forward to more interviews with him on the Real News Network. 176KB PDF File. So, Paul and our 2 sons remodeled our two-car garage, [which was] attached to the kitchen, and we moved the operation back there; where, for the next 4 years, the business ran quite smoothly. This is a day for respectful solace, set aside to remember and honor all of our veterans who have died, serving in our military. Use the spoon to patch any holes in the dough. Chicken. Even Mom often stated, in her own cookbooks, that she could frequently come up with the same result by using different ingredients; as she often revamped her make-alike recipes to compensate for such things as ingredients that were no longer available, which prompted Moms homemade grocery recipes and subsequent cookbook. This is cooking as an act of sensual violence. Uploaded by As Ive written about previously, that show was definitely a milestone event, to say the least for our family as well as our community! I am amazed that Moms name didnt even come up on any of the first pages of results! So, Mom decided to write her own cookbooksand, when the publishers rejected her creations because they werent the picturesque, routine and monotonous cookbooks they thought the public wanted; Mom was only more determined to publish it, herself! Search for free, downloadable images taken from our library and museum collections, including paintings, illustrations, photos and more. He loved pepper! My cup runneth over! Youre right about his way with women voters, and the worry over a McCain/Palin victory or even Romney. But, when her good friend, Carol Duvall, called to ask Mom to give ABCs Home show (aka: The Home Show) a try, Mom couldnt say no to her friend. Please note that CSHL holds copyright in writings by Watson that are held within Watson's archive in the CSHL Library and Archives, but does not hold copyright in Watson's writings held outside the CSHL Library and Archives. My husband still enjoys them, on my behalf, while I now make low-carb dishes for myself. Memorial Day (aka: Decoration Day) was established as a U.S. federal holiday in May of 1971, to remember and honor all those whove died, serving in our Armed Forces. Bob Sweeney of WHIO-Radio, Dayton, OH [FYI: Dayton is where Phil Donahues show originated.] (I like to put the stick of butter into my heat-proof, 1 -quart, glass mixing bowl, placing it in the microwave for 2 to 3 minutes on Defrost.). ONE OF MY FAVORITE radio visits, on a monthly basis (and sometimes more often than that) was with a Schenectady station [WGY].

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