Shortly after she became a professional singer as a teenager, Holiday began working with musician/producer John Hammond, who introduced her to Benny Goodman in 1933. function resize77260563c877fb82c45(wrapper){ Shaw, bassist Sid Weiss, guitarist Al Arola, guitarist Les Robinson and friend Mae Weiss all mention in their documentary interviews that many racist people back then refused to accept a black female singer performing with a group of white musicians. } She had a wild life. He adds, I want to know why all girl singers crack up. Over the next decade, she tracked down and tape-recorded interviews with the extraordinary characters that populated the iconic singer's short, tumultuous life. Culture Audience:Billie will appeal primarily to people who are interested in a raw and authentic look at Holidays life, as told by people who knew her best. Holiday deserves a multi-hour Ken Burns treatment on just her life. Then, in the late 1960s journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl set out to write the definitive biography of Billie. Hopefully someday a filmmaker will be able to tackle the intersectionality of Holiday being both Black and a woman when neither had many rights, and Holiday as a jazz genius when singers were considered neither musicians nor geniuses. jQuery(wrapper).find('a').removeAttr('href'); Over the next decade, she tracked down and tape-recorded interviews with the.{ Linda Lipnack Kuehl (January 24, 1940 - February 6, 1978) was an American arts journalist, based in New York City. It seems amazing that most writers have speculated on the reason Billie Holiday left both the Basie Band and the Shaw Band without getting the testimony of Basie and Shaw themselves. clearInterval(captainForm772606PreloadInterval63c877fb829bf); window.addEventListener('resize', function(){ She never bothered anybody. And to the best of anyones knowledge, Holiday didnt sing while she was incarcerated. Before her mysterious death in 1978, Lipnack Kuehl had taped over 200 hours of interviews. Sarah Julia Sadie Fagan (a maid) was 13 when she gave birth to Eleanora, and Clarence Halliday (a musician) was 15. formId: '772606' Milt Hilton, a bass player who worked with Holiday during her last music recording sessions, remembers: She was in pretty bad shape. He took many of the widely published photos of her during these last sessions. Like all documentaries there is never enough music and with a woman such as Billie who lived an expansive life in 44 years it would be impossible for one feature length film to cover everything. That Holiday took the bottom of the barrel Tin Pan Alley tunes that no one wanted to record and made them works of art is never covered. Read jazz pianist Richard Fregulias review of Billie. } var popupTrigger = jQuery("#captainformForm772605EmbedPopup63c877fb83722"); Culture Mix Survey She said of Young, who would become her constant companion: I returned the compliment and called him the President., In a 1972 interview, pianist Jimmy Rowles had this to say about Holiday and Youngs relationship: They had the funniest way of loving each other. The documentary includes stories of people witnessing McKay (whos been described as a mafia enforcer) being physically abusive to Holiday. Her scholarly papers on Billie Holiday include: Two Gardenias for Civil Rights: Robin Carsons photo of Billie Holiday (read it here), This Bitter Earth: Infertility for Billie, Ella and Sarah. The chief suspect in Lipnack Kuehl's killing was Billie's manager and husband, Louis McKay. Theres a lingering sense that Kuehl understood something deeper, but Billie never seems all that curious to find out what that might be. She was a perfectionist, according to her sister, which is why it took so long for Kuehl to work on the uncompleted book. var captainformDomReady = captainformDomReady || function(e){var t=!1,n=function(){document.addEventListener? Because of the power structure, [black people] never had a chance.. } How Kuehl managed to construct Billies life and Kuehls life is just as interesting as Holidays life in my opinion. formId: '772606' Line: 68 Her second drug bust came in San Francisco in 1949, but she didnt get any prison time for that arrest. She was fired by John Hammond. Jones says that Hammond fired Holiday because she refused Hammonds demands to sing blues music. The book was left unfinished, Kuehls tapes buried away until now. if('' == 'floating') { Line: 478 She also got a lot of abuse and harassment from racists they encountered. var wrapper = jQuery('#captainformForm772606EmbedPopup63c877fb829bf'); }); She was raped at age 10 and sent to a reform school as a result. Hammond says of Goodman, He slept with Billie. Yoshi Kato wrote inMetrowith a flowing tone, an articulate delivery and a formidable understanding of musical principles and history, Nalley is comfortable in many a vocal setting. She is the former owner of the San Francisco jazz club Jazz at Pearls and was awarded Most Influential African American in the Bay Area.. Line: 192 if (document.getElementById('captainform_js_global_vars') == null) { Dcouvrez la bande annonce du film Billie : BILLIE HOLIDAY est l'une des plus grandes voix de tous les temps. Along with Count Basie, we were the Royal Family, Holiday said in an archival interview. In 1971, journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl set out to write the definitive biography of Billie Holiday. captainformThemeStyle['772605'] = ''; [3] In 1978 she was found dead on a Washington, D.C. sidewalk,[3][8][10] after attending a Count Basie concert. if ('' == 'left') They got married in 1957. [4], She was a Jewish feminist[5] and a fan of Billie Holiday. Linda Lipnack Kuehl - Biography - IMDb Edit Linda Lipnack Kuehl Biography It looks like we don't have any Biography for Linda Lipnack Kuehl yet. [3]. Holiday can only be fairly described as oscillating from pleasingly plump to svelte for much of her career. Intending to write a biography of Billie Holiday, she interviewed friends, fellow performers, and key figures in Holiday's read more. Raw and brutally honest, incredible testimonies from Charles Mingus, Sarah . type: "text/javascript", We dont call this entertainment. Jazz musician Charles Mingus says Strange Fruit was very impactful because it shows that Holiday was fighting for equality before Martin Luther King. Presentations and performance on Billie Holiday include: Rethinking Billie Holiday on her Centennial (Google Talk), Blues Legacies and Black Feminism with Angela Davis (SFJAZZ), Your email address will not be published. Message: Undefined variable: user_membership, File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/user/popup_modal.php A more pertinent flaw would be the ending montage which shows images of current racism against African Americans over Drummer Papa Jo Jones voice. She wasnt like a slut. [4], She was a Jewish feminist[5] and a fan of Billie Holiday. She sang and recorded till the end of her life. Eleanoras parents got married when she was 3 years old, and she was raised primarily in Baltimore. FamousFix profile for Linda Lipnack Kuehl including biography information, wikipedia facts, photos, galleries, news, youtube videos, quotes . var popupParams = { resize77260563c877fb82c45(wrapper); The documentary will thread her story through the eyes of one of her most enamored fans, Linda Lipnack Kuehl, who, in 1971, set out to write a definitive biography. var readyStateOverflowInterval; Kuehl had dedicated the last eight years of her life to a biography of jazz singer Billie Holiday, whose rich, sensuous voice had been steeped in a lifetime of pain. Kim Nalley, a PHD Candidate in History at University of California Berkeley, is a historian, playwright, and actress and is most known as jazz & blues singer with a powerful, 3 1/2 octave range that can go from operatic to gritty blues on a dime, projection that can whisper a ballad yet is capable of filling a room with no microphone, and the ability to scat blistering solos without ever losing the crowds interest or the intense swing. And by the age of 14, Holiday was singing professionally in nightclubs. Many books have been written about her success and ongoing struggles. var wrapper = jQuery('#captainformForm772605EmbedPopup63c877fb82c45'); Function: require_once. Kuehl was twice-divorced with no children, while Basie was married with children. In the 1970s, journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl recorded over 200 hours of interviews for a biography she intended to write about Billie Holiday. She had $750 to her name when she died, according to the documentary. } Function: _error_handler, Message: Invalid argument supplied for foreach(), File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/user/popup_modal.php The documentary doesnt uncover any new visual footage of Billie Holiday. She began working on the Holiday biography in 1971 and interviewed an impressive number of people. One of Holidays most poignant recordings, Lady in Satin, is a lush string album and her last album is made multidimensional by the testimonies of the musicians who played with her and friends she was close with. In an archival radio interview, Holiday says, I always knew I could sing, but I didnt know I could make money out of it, until I was working in a little joint called The Hot Cha. Pigmeat Markham, an entertainer who knew Holiday in her early days as a performer, remembers that Holiday had stagefright.. (document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",d),window.removeEventListener("load",d)):(document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange",d),window.detachEvent("onload",d))},d=function(){t||!document.addEventListener&&"load"!==event.type&&"complete"!==document.readyState||(t=!0,n(),e())};if("complete"===document.readyState)e();else if(document.addEventListener)document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",d),window.addEventListener("load",d);else{document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",d),window.attachEvent("onload",d);var o=!1;try{o=null==window.frameElement&&document.documentElement}catch(a){}o&&o.doScroll&&!function c(){if(!t){try{o.doScroll("left")}catch(d){return setTimeout(c,50)}t=!0,n(),e()}}()}}; Because McKay was still legally married to Holiday when she died, he inherited Holidays estate and future earnings. She was 38. She was a highly talented and unique star, but she also complicated and deeply troubled. She sang in clubs in Harlem and. [8], Kuehl's research revealed that Holiday's addictions were "becoming a crutch for a life beset with violence, misogyny and racism."[2]. Function: _error_handler, File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/page/index.php The most important takeaway from Jo Jones is that anyone who believes music has no color negates the experiences of African American musicians who lived with racism dictating almost every aspect of their lives. Her family, however, believed otherwise. }, 50); Elle recueille 200 heures de tmoignages incroyables : Charles . A psychiatrist, at one point, weighs in with a diagnosis. Consistently entertaining, Billie is really about the writer and subject of the . Did someone consider the pairs intimacy a threat? For some eight years in the 1970s, Kuehl interviewed everyone she could find who had a personal association with Holiday musicians, managers, childhood friends, lovers and FBI agents among. type: "text/javascript", Sylvia Syms, a singer and longtime friend of Holidays, comments on Holidays drug addiction: She really dug being high, but I never saw anyone with such a capacity., Its mentioned several times in the documentary that Holidays well-known drug problem and the controversy over Strange Fruit led to a conspiracy to bring her down, with the FBI involved. Erskine at least benefits from the basic volume of his source material. textContent: 'var frmRef=""; try {; } catch(err) {}; var captainform_servicedomain="";var cfJsHost = "https://";', Looking for Linda Kuehl online? append_element({ Billie Holiday was born Eleanora Fagan on April 17, 1915, in Philadelphia, but she was raised in the Pigtown slum of Baltimore, Maryland. Intending to write a biography of Billie Holiday, she interviewed friends, fellow performers, and key figures in Holiday's life, but died before its completion. Her make-up is minimal. } At one point, she began to receive strange, threatening calls.{ window.addEventListener('resize', function(){ In the late 1960's, journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl set out to write the definitive biography of Billie Holiday. if(typeof cfJsHost != 'undefined'){ You can hear Kuehls excellence as an interviewer asking why repeatedly rather than inserting her own understanding. (document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",d),window.removeEventListener("load",d)):(document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange",d),window.detachEvent("onload",d))},d=function(){t||!document.addEventListener&&"load"!==event.type&&"complete"!==document.readyState||(t=!0,n(),e())};if("complete"===document.readyState)e();else if(document.addEventListener)document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",d),window.addEventListener("load",d);else{document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",d),window.attachEvent("onload",d);var o=!1;try{o=null==window.frameElement&&document.documentElement}catch(a){}o&&o.doScroll&&!function c(){if(!t){try{o.doScroll("left")}catch(d){return setTimeout(c,50)}t=!0,n(),e()}}()}}; It is maintained is rich with photos, videos, book information, quotes, and, of course, music.Plan to spend some time there. The next thing I know, she was using coke.. The first of the two films - "Billie" is a documentary built around some previously unheard audio interviews conducted by Linda Lipnack Kuehl, who was working on a comprehensive biography on Billie Holiday before her untimely death in 1978.Ms. Bassist and famous Jazz photographer Milt Hilton said her voice was that of a woman who had suffered ultimate heartbreak. Holidays time with Basie and his band ended on a sour note when she left. Over 8 years, she tracked down and tape-recorded over 200 hours of interviews with the extraordinary characters that populated the iconic singer's short, tumultuous life. However, Linda's book was never finished and the tapes never heard . She interviewed and interviewed. Contact Us formId: '772605' Required fields are marked *. Jo Jones says bitterly and vehemently, Holiday was persecuted less for the song Strange Fruit or drugs and more for being an uppity Negress who lived large wearing furs, diamonds, driving a Cadillac and spending money freely. Her name is eponymous with the phrase jazz singer. There is no jazz figure so well-known, yet shrouded in mystery, as Lady Day. Particularly jarring is a small girl made up to look as if she was Billie as a child. There was a rebellious engine inside both of them. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); with her dark dresses, and smooth-straightened glossy dark hair and the white gardenias (or lily or orchid.) An epilogue at the end of the documentary mentions that because of the destruction of police records, investigations into Lindas death made during the film proved inconclusive., In the documentary, Luftman explains why her sister wanted to write a Billie Holiday biography: Even thought they came from totally different backgrounds, I think she really identified with Billie. id: "captainform_js_global_vars", var popupTrigger = jQuery("#captainformForm772606EmbedPopup63c877fb834ac"); Some people in the documentary allude to Holiday being fond of sex orgies. ("elementType"in e))return!1;var n=null;if(n=e.following?e.following.parentElement:e.inside?e.inside:e.replacing?e.replacing.parentElement:"script"==e.elementType?document.head:document.body,null==n)return!1;var l=document.createElement(e.elementType);delete e.elementType,l=jQuery.extend(l,e),e.replacing?n.replaceChild(l,e.replacing):n.appendChild(l)}; Holidays career spanned 30 years. Over the next decade, she tracked down and tape-recorded hundreds of hours of interviews with the extraordinary characters that populated the iconic singer's short, tumultuous life. }); Monroe would become Holidays first husband, whom she married in 1941. Music producer Marty Gabler says in the documentary that Columbia Records didnt want to release Strange Fruit because of the social content and because of how unusual it was to do a protest song. Strange Fruit is considered historically important because it was one of the first social justice songs released by a mainstream performer prior to the U.S. civil rights movement. captainformDomReady(function() { var wrapper = jQuery('#captainformForm772605EmbedPopup63c877fb82c45'); In the documentary interview, Hammond says, There was a real problem between Billie and Basie. formId: '772605' Missing from this documentary is incisive exploration about exactly what makes Billie Holiday so great musically. The songs that she sings in performance clips include Strange Fruit, Blues Are Brewin' (with Louis Armstrong), Fine and Mellow, My Man (Mon Homme), I Loves You Porgy, God Bless the Child and Dont Explain, the song that Holiday said represented her the best. Most Popular So, in the late 1960s journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl set out to write the definitive biography of. var captainformThemeStyle = {}; var readyStateOverflowInterval; In the 1970s Linda Lipnack Kuehl, a journalist, sought to deepen her understanding of Holiday; she conducted these conversations in the hope of writing a definitive biography of the jazz. Jones gets very angry in the interview when he hears that Hammond has denied firing Holiday, while Hammond expresses bewilderment in reacting to Jones claims that Hammond fired Holiday. According to Ida B. setTimeout(function () { }); Culture Mix Survey Linda Lipnack Kuehl IMDbPro Starmeter See rank Help contribute to IMDb. } Detractors from the film will likely say there is too much emphasis on Linda Kuehl. By singing and recording the anti-lynching protest song Strange Fruit Holiday became a race woman and outspoken proponent of civil rights 15 years before Brown v. Board and almost 20 years before the March on Washington. There never was a black critic in swing music. captainformThemeStyle['772606'] = ''; The documentary is also organized around approximately 200 hours of interviews conducted over the course of a decade by Linda Lipnack Kuehl, who, as the film notes, didn't like seeing Holiday . So many people have rhapsodized about her voice that we often forget that for those who saw her sing live her face was also a powerful vehicle of emotion. captainform_create_form_popup(popupParams); They loved it. Several people in the documentary describe Holiday as a masochist who never knew what it was like to have a healthy love relationship when she was adult. Function: _error_handler, File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/user/popup_harry_book.php Despite her early hardships, Billie Holiday pioneered the refinement of microphone technique, minimalism, and jazz phrasing for subsequent generations. Kuehl was an experienced arts journalist who wrote for The Paris Review and The New York Times Sunday magazine. It turned me on., Although Holiday had several male and female lovers, only one woman is mentioned in the documentary as being one of her paramours: actress Tallulah Bankhead. setTimeout(function () { She did not see [Billie Holiday] as the victim, which is the way she had been portrayed.. (The documentary has lots of images of cassette recorders and reel-to-reel tap machines in operation, to give a visual representation of these interviews.) There are so many photos in circulation of Holiday at the end of her life when she was skeletal it might be shocking for some to realize that for most of her life she was plump. She has also been seen playing folk guitar, singing R&B and spirituals as well as being an avid Lindy Hop and blues dancer. } Viewers will see sparkling flashes of Holidays personality that render other biographies and documentaries one dimensional. According to Luftman, her sister Kuehl was threatened by people close to Count Basie, who became close to Kuehl when she interviewed him for the book. Is it possible to tell someone elses story without, invariably, telling our own? Eleanors favorite curse words were motherfucker and cocksucker., By all accounts, Eleanor started working as a housecleaner/maid before she was a teenager. Her family, however, believed otherwise. [2] Holiday is clearly listening to, engaging with, and nodding her approval and at times stony apathy for the licks the instrumentalists take during their solos. jQuery(wrapper).css('top', jQuery(window).height() * 0.4 + wrapper.width() + wrapper.css('padding').replace('px', '') * 2); Her parents split up not long after getting married, and Halliday became an absentee father who remained out of his daughters life. And it seems that Holiday didnt want to settle down with anyone who was considered nice or normal., Irene Kitchen, one of Holidays friends, mentions musician Sonny White, who was briefly Holidays fianc, as nice, quiet, a very good musician Her mother and I hoped that she would marry him. Dr. James Hamilton, a psychiatrist who interviewed Holiday when she was in prison, had this diagnosis of her. Linda Lipnack Kuehl (January 24, 1940 - February 6, 1978) was an American arts journalist, based in New York City. Tarkoituksena oli kirjoittaa Billie Holidayn elmkerta , hn haastatteli ystvi, muita esiintyji ja Holidayn elmn avainhenkilit, mutta kuoli ennen sen valmistumista. Talk:Linda Lipnack Kuehl - Wikipedia Talk:Linda Lipnack Kuehl This article is of interest to the following WikiProjects : Start a discussion about improving the Linda Lipnack Kuehl page Talk pages are where people discuss how to make content on Wikipedia the best that it can be. It was a different kind of poor We were happy with what we had. Mary Pony Kane, a childhood friend of Holidays, remembers that Eleanor was foul-mouthed, even as a child. She had also recorded her most important song, Strange Fruit a battle cry against Americas vicious history of lynching, sat right at the dawn of the civil rights movement. Several people in the documentary literally say in one way or another, She loved to get high. And they talk about how she had an unusually high physical tolerance for drugs that was stronger than men who were physically a lot bigger than she was. captainformThemeStyle['772606'] = ''; The director of this documentary bought her research, and uses it well. The documentary Billie, now showing, does not start at Billies birth or death, but rather the date of Linda Kuehls death. Earl Zaiding, who was Holidays lawyer, calls McKay a pathological liar.. var wrapper = jQuery('#captainformForm772606EmbedPopup63c877fb834ac');{ [1], File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/user/popup_modal.php I sometimes see the hardships of being a Black man highlighted but I do not see the same courtesy given to Miss Holiday. ("elementType"in e))return!1;var n=null;if(n=e.following?e.following.parentElement:e.inside?e.inside:e.replacing?e.replacing.parentElement:"script"==e.elementType?document.head:document.body,null==n)return!1;var l=document.createElement(e.elementType);delete e.elementType,l=jQuery.extend(l,e),e.replacing?n.replaceChild(l,e.replacing):n.appendChild(l)}; captainform_create_form_popup(popupParams); Find out about all the best exhibitions, theatre, books and music based on full reviews. resize77260563c877fb83722(wrapper); I was one of the people who didnt. Holiday was the first black singer to work with Goodman in those racially segregated times. setTimeout(function () { In the late 60s, journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl set out to write the definitive biography of Holiday's life, interviewing everyone from jazz greats such as Charles Mingus, Tony Bennett and. Her death was ruled as a suicide. Eleven years after Billie Holiday died at the age of 44, from heart failure due to drug and alcohol abuse, journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl, a Lady Day devotee, interviewed as many people as. The project is centered around 200 hours of previously. That made her a target of the FBI. Her make-up is minimal. }; } else if ('' == 'right') elementType: "script", captainform_preload_form_popup(popupParams); In the late-1960s - some 10 years after the performer's death - journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl set out to write the definitive biography of Billie Holiday (below). Being a solo act gave Holiday the freedom to record whats considered the most important and most controversial song of her career: Strange Fruit. Written by Abel Meeropol under the alias Lewis Allan, and released in 1939, the song is a poetically brutal commentary on racial injustice, particularly in describing the lynching of black people in the South. 05 January 2023. Be the first to contribute! Unearthing a trove of audio recordings from the journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl, who planned to write a biography of Billie Holiday before committing suicide, James Erskine's approachable documentary Billie dives into the life of Holiday through Kuehl's myriad interviews with the people in the artist's orbit. The project is centered around 200 hours of previously, she was primarily! Her voice was that of a woman who had suffered ultimate heartbreak Times Sunday magazine receive Strange, threatening.... Was 3 years old, and she was a black critic in swing music complicated and deeply.. The film will likely say there is too much emphasis on Linda Kuehl also got a lot of abuse harassment... ) being physically abusive to Holiday kind of poor we were the Royal Family, Holiday said in an interview... That Kuehl understood something deeper, but rather the date of Linda Kuehls death also a... Is centered around 200 hours of interviews if ( `` == 'left ' ) { var t= 1! 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