Profession former TV repairman, but under the new capitalist order has taken a job installing high tech satellites in Berlins high rises. His mother, Christiana, is a strong political activist in the Socialist party in East Germany. Of Dreamworlds, Catastrophes and Empires, Now and Then, Negotiating Nostalgia: The GDR Past in Berlin Is in Germany and Good Bye, Lenin, Cola in the German Democratic Republic. When Alexs mother wakes from her coma, the doctor informs the family that any form of excitement could prompt a deadly heart attack. In "Goodbye, Lenin!" directed by Wolfgang Becker, . This works fine until one day Christiane ventures outside, finds the streets awash with Westerners and is confused by all the ads for Coke. Click the card to flip . 70. on Wolfgang Beckerin ohjaama saksalainen tragikoominen elokuva, joka sai ensi-iltansa vuonna 2003.Elokuva on nhty usein osana ostalgia-huumaa.. Elokuvan posissa ovat Daniel Brhl, Katrin Sa, Tulpan Hamatova, Maria Simon ja Florian Lukas.Elokuva oli menestys ympri maailmaa ja on saanut useita palkintoja. Roger Ebert was the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. Also, although the majority of the German people rejoiced after the Berlin Wall was opened, many socialists were bitter and felt betrayed by the GDR, such as the socialist colleagues of Christiane. Lenin postulated that by offering a democratic peace straight away, by giving land to the peasants straight away, by restoring the democratic institutions and freedoms trampled on and crushed by Kerensky, the Bolsheviks will form a government that no one will overthrow this was the basis of the Bolshevik series of directives the April Theses, of which Lenin was the mastermind. Moreover, the past is not supposed to reveal any signs of decay; it has to be freshly painted in its original image and remain eternally young. is a 2003 German tragicomedy film. Good Bye Lenin! For his achievements in the October revolution, in defending the foreign invaders and destroying the whites, in bringing peace and prosperity, we are forever in his debt., The question of whether or not Stalinism was a logical continuation of Leninism is a difficult one. But they don't and the rest of the declaration has to swerve consciously around the facts. Even Trotsky, a friend of Lenin and a staunch opponent of Stalin, grudgingly admits that "Stalinism did issue from Bolshevism" (Trotsky). which I have adapted for the individual characters. Good Bye Lenin SUPSI Filmheft. This process found an expression in the new generations disagreement to film movement with the social and political including New German Cinema. Ian Verrender is the ABC's business editor. In October 1989, right before the fall of the Berlin Wall, Alex Kerner (Daniel Brhl) is living with his mom, Christiane (Kathrin Sass), and sister, Ariane (Maria Simon). directed by Wolfgang Becker. Lenin aspired to achieve power and superiority over others, thus he founded a faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party The Bolsheviks in an attempt to overthrow the Provisional Government and gain rule over Russia winning was everything for Lenin Lenin: a biography, Robert Service. This gently ironic depiction of coming-of-age in the post-Stalinist 1960s carefully avoids references to the political repression and malaise so forcefully depicted in another film of the period (Time Stands Still, 1982). We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. The past for the restorative nostalgic is a value for the present; the past is not a duration but a perfect snapshot. Instead, it draws on widely-shared Communist-era caricatures, songs and slogans to depict a world where the figures of authority are harmless buffoons and fashionable youth hang out in cafes, dreaming of coca-cola and Niagara Falls. Good Bye, Lenin! 7-12. There was mass job loss and forced retirement to the older generation. (Dir. This is emphasized in the film with the neighbor and. She only awakes eight months later. . Becker approaches to unification in his film Goodbye Lenin! It's main idea is the effect of changing economic systems ( transition from socialism to . However, as the film progressed, we get a glimpse into what the citizens of the GDR lost through the beginning of reunification. And are those lies based on love or cowardice? Photo Credit: Everett Collection Character Analysis (Avoiding Spoilers) Grew up in the German Democratic Republic, aka East Germany. Useful resources from various sources- many thanks to contributors-and some ppts I have used to support. Find out how you match to him and 5500+ other characters. important concept in order to criticise, understand and explain social constructs and changes because culture is a part of superstructure ( law, media, education etc. A 12-year-old boy learns he's the returned Jesus Christ, destined to save humankind. It is due to hard work only Becker being hailing from West German is successful in portraying the East culture accurately in the movie. His position as a Marxist offers a more unbalanced interpretation, as perspectives vary from stating that he was a practical Marxist idealist to perceiving him as a bloodthirsty terrorist. Ends with the collocation of the depressing. by Carole Hough and Daria Izdebska). 121 Mins. Copyright 2003 - 2023 - UKEssays is a trading name of Business Bliss Consultants FZE, a company registered in United Arab Emirates. However, instead of trying to bring the father back to her world, she creates a new world where the father has no role in it. Funny but not a comedy, serious but never overbearing, emotional in an engaging and bittersweet way, Good Bye, Lenin! It argues that Beckers film deconstructs the nostalgic transformation and commodification of the socialist national past in the post-communist age by exposing the deep collective needs to which this phenomenon responds. Goodbye Lenin Resources. ""A wicked red comedy about the inevitability of CHANGE and what happens when someone tries way too hard to resist."- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CREDI. Too Early, Too Late: Fetishism, Melancholia and Mourning the GDR in Good Bye Lenin! In an Interview Becker also admitted that he visited east many times while living in Berlin in 1980s. he disposes of bottle by throwing it into nearby litterbin. Aiming to Please? While I enjoyed watching Alex run into new challenges and come up with new solutions in scene after scene I felt the movie became too long and repetitive. In this endeavor, Becker's film succeeds in both reflecting and invigorating a wave of greater cultural as well as political dialogue within Germany. Alexs mother has a heart attack that has left her in a coma at one of historys greatest turning points. Becker approaches to unification in his film Goodbye Lenin! This in theory eliminates the class system and as a result is intended to eliminate the oppression that comes along with the class separation and wage gap. As a result, she suffers a heart attack and goes into a coma; she was unconscious in the hospital for months. Goodbye Lenin! No plagiarism, guaranteed! It develops a Neo-Gramscian approach that emphasizes the importance of informal or infra-political processes. Directed by Wolfgang Becker. Good Bye Lenin! Photograph: film still handout. characters and relationships. RESUMO: Este artigo trata de um sintoma: o de uma mudana ideolgica, uma fratura histrica na produo fantasmtica da organizao sociala transio de Leste para Oeste. Mama liegt im Koma! Good Bye, Lenin! The director, Wolfgang Becker in the movie Good Bye Lenin has strong personal links and special interest to East Berlin and he has used hiscomplete knowledge, familiarityand personal experience in order tobring more authenticity in the movie. The resistance rest on viewing the German Democratic Republic which is known as East Germany as a unified individual part. Ariane to Alex their mum is in a coma. It seems to allow for more pleasant relationships for Alexs disappointment to his father who travels to the west and Alexs mother and sister remains in the East. Post revisionist McCauley claims that it was a combination of Lenins skill as well as conditions in Russia at the time that enabled the Bolshevik to gain power. Toward the end of the movie, we get a surprise plot point that suggests Christiane may have replaced her husband with the party in an act of emotional compensation, but that seems to be stretching. The meaning of his relationship to space has now upturned from the diversion of his childhood to accept the death fact in adulthood. Good Bye Lenin! Show . Goodbye, Lenin! These worksheets will help students studying the film 'Goodbye. Goodbye Lenin Movie Analysis. --> Murray Forman, Associate Professor, Media and Screen Studies Northeastern University As in the United States, music in general and hip-hop in particular are fertile ground for the articulation, examination, and contestation of racial identity. Christianes bedroom becomes a shelter, where the desperate hurry to unification and the similarly swift closure of the GDR have slowed down. She welcomes the Wende by replacing the family's old furniture and clothes with more fashionable items . Many people backed it through fear, ambition or prudence, but did anyone actually love it and believe in it? It has also brought problems to Germanys future role as economic and political powers and directs the attention again to the challenging bequests of the past and tries to change the meanings of the national culture as a united Europe to sharp and clear the economic, social and ethnical differences. Nora, Pierre, Between Memory and History: Les Lieux de Mmoire in Representations, No. dier signicantly across countries. The cast includes Daniel Brhl. Wolfgang Beckers Good Bye Lenin! (eds.) DANIEL BRUHL: ALL ABOUT THE GOOD BYE LENIN ACTOR, Good Bye Lenin as a Wolfgang Beckers Masterpiece, The History of Berlin: The End of the Old and the Beginning of the New, GOOD BYE LENIN (2003): THE VISION OF ECONOMIC CHANGE, The Thin Line between Truth and Lies: The Power of the Kerner Family Relationships, Keeping the GDR Alive: The Kerner Family after the Collapse of the Berlin Wall, Berlins Historical Developments: The Tearing Apart and Rebuilding of a Single City, Im Stempelwald: Filme wider Brokratie und Willkr. 2014. Goodbye Lenin (Good Bye, Lenin!) Sometimes, despite a doctor's warnings, parents have to take their chances with the truth. Das ist bei uns aber kein Problem. Taking place in East Germany, 1989, the movie is about a family consisting of a mother, son, and daughter. Alex is reduced to plundering dumpsters for discarded cans and boxes which contained GDR consumer products that were swept away by the arrival of competition. If we understand Gramschi's concept of ' cultural hegemony', we have to define culture. Good Bye Lenin! Put the events from the film in th. Worlding-as-projection is still shadowed by residual forces and forms of 'deworlding,' as well as stands opposed to those called (by Tsing and Haraway et al) 'reworlding': that is to say, energies and practices of going and coming, breaking down and building up life-worlds. In, Karl Marx and his developed theory of Marxism played a vital role in influencing Lenins efforts to overthrow the Provisional Government eventually leading to the Russian Revolution of 1917., Orthodox interpretation of the origins of the Cold War notes that expansionary tendencies of the Soviet Union as a primary influence of the outbreak of the Cold War. The fall of the Berlin Wall led to Germany unifying on October 3 in 1990 (Montgomery). As Christiane wakes from her coma, Alex fears that if she knew about the GDR after the fall of Berlin wall, the shock will give her another heart attack after the first heart attack in 1989 and it will result in her death as her doctor advised Alex. Looking through Coca-Cola (PUBLIC CULTURE), Innocence Lost: Cinematic Representations of 1960s Consumerism for 1990s Hungary.. NSFW (English) Wolfgang Becker Wie war das Leben in der DDR . This movie is about a family in East Germany whose father left in 1978. no longer supports Internet Explorer. Good Bye, Lenin! Be the first one to write a review. 2019 | Updated: Sep 27. : consensus and consciousness-raising in Wolfgang Becker's Good bye, Lenin, Perspectives on Gramsci Politics and culture, Strangers to and Producers of Their Own Culture: American Popular Culture and Turkish Young People, Paradise Lost? 1602 Words7 Pages. Get entertainment recommendations for your unique personality and find out which of 5,500+ Good Bye Lenin! Posted on May 23, 2022 by 0 The film centers on the experience of young East Berliner Alex Kerner, played by wide-eyed 24-year-old Daniel Brhl. Alex in the end sends his mothers ashes into the air on a firecracker that had the same identity and was almost a replica to the tiny rocket of his childhood. I knew that with the fall of the Berlin Wall, capitalism soon spread itself over East Germany, which was clearly shown. As he is faced with the loss of both of his mother and the state with which she recognized, the memory of his childhood and the vanishing GDR starts to take on parallel potentials to his imaginations of space. mehsT b.e This sub-section highlights a passage which would be A nursery rhyme that evokes the difficulty of detaching oneself from a love, that hurts us, but that we must leave. Alternately termed 'problem plays,' due to the difficulty of categorisation, two of his most popular ones are . 7-24. By the time he became a teenager, Alex lost his enthusiasm for socialist values. Becker approaches to unification in his film Goodbye Lenin! Lastly, there were many things to learn and take from the film, Good-bye, Lenin. Set against the collapse of the Berlin Wall, the film extracts much humour from the language and . The scene where Alex and Ariane are watching Sigmund Jahn's space flight - Sign of National Pride. . When we watch it, we can see cake hinder spacecraft so spacecraft loses it's function. "Goodbye, Lenin!" The unstoppable flow of East Germans fleeing to West Germany began the Soviet Unions decline in power, and it floundered until dissolving on December 25 in 1990 (Montgomery). S: Journal of the Circle for Lacanian Ideology Critique, Daniel Gaido, Constanza D . Culturally, Germans on both sides of the wall were still connected by the old traditions and customs from pre-Cold War Germany and even through to the Middle Ages. [1] Clarke, David, German Cinema since Unification (London: Continuum, 2006), pp: 26, [2] Clarke, David, German Cinema since Unification (London: Continuum, 2006), pp: 27, [3] Clarke, David, German Cinema since Unification (London: Continuum, 2006), pp: 27, [4] Clarke, David, German Cinema since Unification (London: Continuum, 2006), pp: 32. Good Bye. Becker skill fully manages to strike the balance between the characters. Chulpan Khamatova is one of the most prominent actresses in Russia. Lenin! (Dir. The attainment of the April Theses was aided by the growing dislike of the Provisional Government for it could not and was unwilling to offer the directives. "Deconstructing Ostalgia - the National Past between Commodity and Simulacrum in Wolfgang Beckers Goodbye Lenin! East Germany, the former occupation zone of the Soviet Union, developed into a one party state with a socialist economy. Character analysis. This paper develops a theory of articulation that broadens our understandings of how international business is resisted in both formal and informal ways. and Maria Simon. Scholars like George F. Kennen, William H. McNeill, Herbert Feis and Arthur M. Schlesinger shared similar point of interpretive through their narratives which subsequently characterised the orthodox thesis of the Cold War., The Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx is an economical and philosophical ideology that is centered on communism. Goodbye Lenin! In short, the IST has applied the methodology of Lenin faced with war in 1914, 108 years after the event and in completely different circumstances. Ostalgia in german movies Sonnenalle and Good Bye, Lenin! This cinematic representation of the past, however, is only conceivable from the perspective of the post-socialist present--where western consumer goods and indeed the West itself have been disenchanted and are now part of the banal and often bitter experience of the open market economy. Seen by some as trash talk and by others as art, hip-hop and other forms of popular music take lofty discussions of identity politics out of the academic stratosphere and place them decidedly in the public square. In 1990, to protect his fragile mother from a fatal shock after a long coma, a young man must keep her from learning that her beloved nation of East Germany . goodbye lenin character analysisjulia lemigova children. During the months she is unconscious, the wall falls, Germany is reunified and the world as she knew it disappears. The young film-makers from producers to directors did not accept its philosophy of the authorship and individualism for a more practical, cooperation and between creative and marketable interests. a. Culture is the production and circulation of sense, meaning and consciousness programme. Dilip Kumar Died 98, Funeral Takes Place At Juhu Qabrastan, Good Bye. Goodbye Lenin NSFW Resources 03 1 This view is echoed in numerous works about contemporary history or the end of communism specifically. Christiane was dramatically shaken, but it only increased her passion for the GDR. is not a defense of the GDR, which Alex and his sister, Ariane, are happy to see gone (she's proud of hew new job at Burger King). Christiane goes into an eight months coma. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? There are fan clubs in Germany for the Trabant, the singularly ugly and poorly made official auto of the GDR, and great is Christiane's delight when Alex tells her the family now owns one. In one compressed verb 'worlding' means building-up the life-world that is, actively worlding it. Wolfgang Becker's <cite>Good Bye, Lenin!</cite> was a runaway hit in German theaters in 2003 and has garnered numerous international film awards, including a Cesar (France), the Blue Angel (Germany), the European Film Award (Europe), and has been nominated for a Golden Globe Award (USA). The only thing that really surprised me was when the mother admitted that Alex and his sisters father did not actually cross to, What the Social Classes Owe Each Other an Article by William Graham Sumner, Essay La Comunicacin y Los Comunicadores Sociales, Article Analysis: The Educated Student: Global Citizen or Global Consumer by Benjamin Barber, Laws Against Domestic Violence in Pakistan are Insufficient to Protect Victims of Abuse, The Housing Bubble During the Great Recession Essay. His mother, Christiana, is a strong political activist in the Socialist . Good Bye Lenin! Heiko Khoo. A loyal communist named Christiane ( Katrin Sass) sees her son, Alex ( Daniel Bruhl ), beaten by the police on television, suffers an attack of some sort and lapses into a coma. The story follows a family in East Germany; the mother (Sa) is dedicated to the socialist cause and falls into a coma in October 1989. shortly before the November revolution. Good bye Lenin Quotes. As Svetlana Boym says of nostalgia: At first glance, nostalgia is a longing for a place, but actually it is a yearning for a different time- the time of our childhood, the slower rhythm of our dreams. Print. Anton, Christine, Pilipp Frank, Beyond Political Correctness. Terms in this set (16) Mama. With Daniel Bruhl, Kathrin Sass, Maria Simon, Chulpan Khamatova, Florian Lukas and Alexander Beyer. When the Berlin Wall fell,, I had mixed feelings about the movie Good Bye, Lenin! I noticed that the older generation shared a lingering nostalgia for the East Germany of the past while the younger generation saw a whole new world of opportunities and freedom opening up in front of them. Imagine a film named "Goodbye, Hitler!" Goodbye, Lenin! YJC website has some great resources in the . This paper, however, will analyze the film as a cultural artifact of the post-socialist era, one which reveals the salience of consumption in contemporary Hungarian experience and, in providing an alternative history, reconstructs that experience. Good Bye Lenin as Parody of 'Eastalgia', Critical Dialogues in Cultural Studies_Stuart Hall, Filming History: Billy Wilder and the Cold War, 'A strange mixture of Guevara and Togliatti': Jos Mara Aric and the Pasado y Presente group, As inter-relaes da identidade tripartida no cinema de Wolfgang Becker: Adeus, Lnin! But when the mother, a . During her staying in, Source A: Lenin was a great leader yet the most humble of men. Background on Goodbye Lenin! In this paper. "Good Bye Lenin!" "Goodbye, Lenin!" is an unexpectedly beautiful foreign film written and directed by Wolfgang Becker that deals with East Germany shortly before the Berlin Wall came down. The mother, Christiane, is a strong socialist and a party member of the German Democratic Republic (GDR). . There were differences in policy. Both Alex and director Wolfgang Becker create an almost utopian German Democratic Republic. Kenneth Turan. The level of protection about the objects that relates to his mothers extended survival, Alexs museum space offers him time to imitate on the chance of his mothers death, by the help of artefacts that created a memory aid link to the disappearing GDR. A mother has a heart attack before the Wall comes down, comes out of her coma after the Wall is down and her family, especially her son, is . Also, the film could have shown how people, like Alexs father, crossed the Berlin Wall and how difficult it was to make it across. Alex. . Goodbye Lenin ( 1) Addeddate 2021-06-15 14:24:51 Identifier goodbye-lenin-1 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4. plus-circle Add Review. If your specific country is not listed, please select the UK version of the site, as this is best suited to international visitors. In the final days before the fall of the Berlin Wall, there are riots against the regime. The focus here is not on recovery of what is perceived to be an absolute truth but on the meditation on history and the passage of time.[4]. "The GDR survives on 79 square meters!" Shortly before the fall of the Berlin Wall, the young East German Alexander Kerner's dedicated Communist mother, Christiane, sees her son in an anti-government demonstration and falls into a coma due to a heart attack. 26, Special Issue: Memory and Counter-Memory, (spring, 1989), pp. There was a revolution against the regime Christiane witnesses her son being brutally crushed by the police during a anti- government demonstration. Wolfgang Becker's 2003 Goodbye, Lenin! Themes In Goodbye Lenin. Rather than easily simplifying things his mother, and himself, into the present, Alex works progressively to duplicate a frame in the past, pouring Western foods into East German jars and bottles collected from the trash, filming fake East German news and even forcing friends and guests to wear old East German clothes. But the only thing he knows about the Party - is how to throw one. Static is a sophisticated and well-argued analysis that establishes a new context for understanding post-apartheid culture in South Africa. Static provides key insights into recent media phenomena, such as Die Antwoord; the 2010 Soccer World Cup; Bok van Blerk; Tsotsi; Kuli Roberts Sunday World column on coloureds; revisionist film Afrikaaps and the University of the Free States Reitz video scandal. Film-makers returned to the post-war period genre to address special unification problems as a method of retrieving the stabilising purpose of classical narrative and of applying these effects. Lenins April theses influenced the July Days and October revolution in 1917 and also allowed political amnesty for exiles. For 50 years since the end of World War II, Germany was divided both ideologically and geographically. Thankfully, for me this literary pieces brilliance does not come simply from Marxs economic ideals but instead it comes from the simple fact that it exists at all. This paper contributes to critical understandings of how international business is resisted. oodbye Lenin!, set in East Berlin during the crash of the Berlin Wall opens up the eyes of viewers to the harships endured in the Deutsche Demokratische Republik, which was governed by communist rule. 24 January 2005. A selection of essay questions and research tasks is also included. -The Wolfgang Becker film begins in 1978 in East German portraying a family where the father of the family escaped to West Germany. themes. In particular, the scene in the film in which Laura and Alex are fighting while Alex's mother, Christiane, is celebrating her birthday in the adjoining room is valuable . Open Document. Im 1978 waren wir auf Weltniveau". Good Bye de Good Bye, Lenin! Wolfgang Beckers Goodbye Leninis a Rip Van Winkle-style satire about one mans attempt to make history and time stand still. It focuses on the life of Alexander Beyer, a young man from East Berlin. 772 words. In Pierre Nora article Between Memory and History: Les Lieux de Memorie, he claimed that many section of memory exists because people do not have impulsively arising memory, instead, the people depend on history to fill in the gaps of their memory. Many people also remember him as Baron Zemo in Captain America: Civil War, a role he reprised more recently in The Falcon and the Soldier series. The Political Significance of Wolfgang Becker's "Goodbye, Lenin!". After her husband abandoned her (for another woman, she told her children), the German Democratic Republic became her life. Nations and Nationalism: A Global Historical Overview. After his father left for the capitalist West, Alex and his family have become a bit more fervent in their socialism. caterpillargirl1. Improvising desperately, Alex and Denis produce newscasts reporting that the West is in collapse, Westerners are fleeing to the East and the rights to Coke reverted to the communist nation after it was revealed that its famous formula was devised, not in Atlanta, but in East Germany. West Germany, the former occupation zone of the British, American, and French forces, developed into a parliamentary democratic government with a free market economy. Alexs desire for a different knowledge of time eventually will accomplishes its positive prospective to recuperate a missing connection to the slower rhythms of East German childhood, standing in front of fast and confusing historical disorder. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. In order to recreate East Berlin and to bring authenticity Becker successfully managed to take his audience 10 years back and spent whole budget allocated for the movie in just 2 weeks. 80. Worlding (as I phrased it in the Afterword: Worlding as Future Tactic to Worlding Project) means at once a mode of building up a life-world palpably disclosing its lived-in modalities, boundaries, tactics, and historical processes of survival and emergence. Goodbye Lenin, in the final analysis, has achieved what political reunification, often experienced as a top-down remodelling of East Germany into a capitalist mould, has failed to do: creatively . first shot he is a disappointed young man sitting on a bench and drinking beer. In Goodbye Lenin! Ostalgie im deutschen Film anhand der Beispiele Sonnenallee und Good Bye, Lenin! Remapping German Sensibilities in the 21st Century (Germany: Rodopi, 2010), pp: 218-220. and cinematography with context summary. Lenin! can most aptly be described as a tragicomedy. The scenes of joyous East Berliners pouring across the fallen wall are still fresh in our minds. In Goodbye Lenin! In a broader sense, nostalgia is a rebellion against the modern idea of time, the time of history and progress. [1]. Worlding stands for a range of alter-globalization and situated localization practices being projected forward out into and across the everyday world that is riddled and driven by mandates of capitalist dynamism and globalization. The former process (deworlding) suggests enduring impacts of empire, colonialism, and turbo-capitalism upon other life-worlds and threatened ways of being. Overcoming competition from Hollywood blockbusters, a 1996 Hungarian musical comedy called Csinibaba (Pretty Baby) became a tremendous commercial success domestically. Peculiar, because it never quite addresses the self-deception which causes Christiane to support the communist regime in the first place. The film makes no mention of the negative side of the political party - of how they spied on their citizens, of the GDR's notorious torture prison for political rebels, or the treatment of refugees attempting to leave the GDR. Lenins strength within the political sphere was most accentuated by his April Theses 7 April 1917. Ideologically the west was capitalist and followed in the direction of the rest of Western Europe and the United States while the east was communist and followed in the direction of the Eastern Bloc. Alexander, Ariane (Schwester), Christiane (Mutter) und Vater Kerner, Lara und Denis - write a character profile for each (2003), with images and actors! Well, maybe that's too harsh. Unlike a museum, where the physical and historical distance between viewer and entity inspires a serious echo, Alexs complete rebuilding a time-sphere to put his mother in the impression of a timeless present, where artefacts of the past may not show any symbols of age. 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