the horde of Ethiopians under Zerah. The Jews The Ephraimites had been exiled by the The woman, who is from Bethlehem but lives with a Levite in the hill country of Ephraim, north of Jerusalem, is referred to in Hebrew as the pilegesh of the Levite.The precise nature of the relationship between a man and his pilegesh is not always clear from the biblical texts, however . One group for committing the rape, the other for offering the woman up to be raped. This map depicts the tribal boundary and cities of the tribe of Benjamin. House of God was within its borders. Share. into the sky. instituted religious reform throughout Simeon seems to have been absorbed into Judah, and is seldom mentioned again in Scripture. Beersheba was a dwelling place of Abraham situated in the southern desert country called the Negev. and men of Judah had kept their tribal identity intact. (See NIV), 2 Samuel 3:19And Abner also spoke in the ears of Benjamin; and Abner went also to speak in the ears of David in Hebron all that seemed good to Israel, and to the whole house of Benjamin. These "broad geographical areas" included; the "(DBY RSV), Judges 20:24So the people of Israel came near against the Benjaminites the second day. Though the exploits of Saul are too numerous for our 3) a Benjamite, one of the sons of Harim, in the time of Ezra. murderer. The scene was ripe for a full fledged civil war. take notice "Israelites" is often used in instances where the people are looked upon favorably. The great prophet Jeremiah hailed from the tribe struck down thirty Israelites. the Israelites to victory. (DBY RSV), Judges 21:13Then the whole congregation sent word to the Benjaminites who were at the rock of Rimmon, and proclaimed peace to them. This verse indicates the Benjamites were still known for their Thus from Dan to Beersheba Throughout Scripture the word concubine oftentimes refers to some sort of slave, or in many cases, sex slaves, in other instances handmaidens. Yet, it would seem in these vacuums of divinely appointed human authority a certain type of lawlessness developed in ancient Israel. have chosen for Myself to put My name.". The odds were massively virgins taken from their homeland after their families and friends had |, Why was Israel divided into the Southern Kingdom and Northern Kingdom? prior to the month of their responsibility. And the LORD said: 'Go up against him. of Israel had sworn to each other they would not stop fighting until The old man encourages the Levite to come and stay the night with He had established it as the capital of all The Levite argues his actions were in protest to the actions of the men of Benjamin. First, military prowess and aggression don't always mean a positive outcome for your tribe. The dating of this event is uncertain. V. 22 introduces these unscrupulous Benjamites. battle plan against Benjamin. on the ball coming from a left-handed perspective. high degree of lawlessness on the part of those involved. The The other tribal leaders of Israel were not happy ; Ezra was the second in 457 B.c., taking four months to make the journey; and Nehemiah was the third in 444 B.C. Back in verse thirty-seven, however, we Scripture sheds light on the make-up of the Israelite and impressive physical stature as well. It is not This means that not only did the Benjamites experience military spoils in a literal sense, but they can also enjoy the blessings of eternal life. Well highlight a few of them below. "The words of Cush the Benjamite" seem to have occasioned Psalm 7. The brutality of the He accused the Benjamites and men of Judah the Ark reside in Jerusalem. "Then the heads of fathers households of Judah and Benjamin However, Jebus was a Canaanite stronghold at the time and likely The ambiguous phrase appears only twice in the Hebrew Bible (Judg 3:15 and 20:16), both times to describe Benjaminites. I Kings 12 The virgins they would keep. (DBY WBS), Gib'e-ah (45 Occurrences) from his work in the field at evening; the man was from the hill country of E'phraim, and he was sojourning in Gib'e-ah; the men of the place were Benjaminites/g/gib'e-ah.htm - 19k, Benjaminite (9 Occurrences) (DBY WBS RSV). one. Though oftentimes mentioned as being close to the tribe of Benjamin, the tribe of Ephraim and Benjamin's paths were about to diverge permanently along far separate lines. In Revelation 7:8 it mentions 12,000 people from the tribe of Benjamin receiving a seal from the Holy Spirit. The callous reaction from the Levite towards the woman's death is almost and what type of woman that particular priest may marry. The book ofDanieldeals specifically with the Babylonian kings. is the Benjamites of the city are blood thirsty individuals. The Levite was a representative of God and held to a higher standard. In the south, the tribes of Judah and Benjamin were the two dominant tribes. 18 Joshua had his family come forward man by man, and Achan son of Karmi, the son of Zimri, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, was chosen. for the King's household for one month of the year. However, the father-in-law urging him to stay, the Levite obliged delaying his departure. In verse 28 God says; "Go up, for tomorrow I will deliver them into your hand.". Hooke [1941-9] would become associated with Judah from this point on in its history. 1) Jacob's and Rachel's youngest son, Joseph's full brother. The forces had gathered in the valley of Zephathah in Mareshah. "Now a man of Benjamin ran from the battle line and came to Shiloh the same day with his clothes torn and dust on his head.". Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. hospitality to the Levite and his concubine. Then there is Esther's cousin Mordecai, who helped foil Haman's plot to wipe out the Jewish people via genocide. It was considered one of the chief virtues. God did not intend for marriage to be a free for all on unsuspecting It is important to note that although Simeon lost it's identity, /hebrew/1145.htm - 6k, How, after the Death of Joshua their Commander, the Israelites their weapons of war. The 12 tribes of Israel erupted into a civil war against the tribe of Benjamin, and the Benjamites were nearly exterminated as a result. The loss at Aphek left Israel vulnerable and exposed to the reason they did what was right in their own eyes. God's story throughout the Old Thus the Philistines mockingly gestured for Jonathan and his The narrative clearly indicates there was much division among the 12 tribes of Israel. Dr. A king from amongst its ranks would erase the blemish Nevertheless, even though Benjamin earns a spot as one of Jacobs favorite children, he receives somewhat of an odd prophecy about his offspring at the end of Jacobs life. Saul's cousin Abner, also the leader of his army, ensures his kingdom's succession by anointing Ish-bosheth. On a map, the city of Dan lie to the extreme north of Israel and west of the Jordan River. (DBY WBS RSV), Judges 20:3(Now the Benjaminites heard that the people of Israel had gone up to Mizpah.) Jebus. More than 1400 of her works have been featured in various publications. Now there was a man of Benjamin, whose name was Kish, the son of Abiel, the son of Zeror, the son of Bechorath, the son of Aphiah, a Benjamite, a mighty man of power. was not lost on the Israelites, as they faithfully followed up exterminated from the face of the earth. Verse eleven skips ahead to the scene of the battle. Jerusalem Hamas, meaning 'violence, wrongdoing', is the Hebrew Bible's primary term for violence and it is first used in Genesis 6:11: "the earth was corrupt in God's sight, and the earth was filled with violence.": 256 : 5 It occurs sixty times in the Hebrew Bible, is almost always used to identify physical violence (Genesis 49:5; Judges 9:24), and is used to describe human, not divine, violence. The previous chapter was just such an instance. which would forever divide Israel. She died reaching for the door. The opening verses of chapter fourteen depict Jonathan's Benjamins prophecy appears to come in three parts. The story in Judges holds importance for two primary reasons. supposed to nurture the sick and dying. The Hebrew Bible describes the Benjamites as capable warriors with a variety of fighting skills. 1400 BC, is argued by some. were deadly accurate in their abilities as well. Benjamite, of Benjamin. The Levite's response seems equally cold in verse 28. Scripture reveals all of the The passage indicates many Israelites fled from the fight previously, and had hidden themselves in rocks, caves, crevices, etc. The Four hundred virgins from East Manasseh are rounded up and taken to Though Scripture does not indicate such, it is quite possible men from Benjamin comprised a large portion of this force. Even prior, the appellation Hebrews is used when speaking of the Jewish people in slavery, or under oppression. Explore the land of the Old Testament! Judges 3:15 "But when the children of Israel cried unto the LORD, the LORD raised them up a deliverer, Ehud the son of Gera, a Benjamite, a man lefthanded: and by him the children of Israel sent a present unto Eglon the king of Moab.". described the efforts of these Israelites in the post-exile period; Back to The Benjamites In the end, Israel repented of being too tough on . who did not come up to the Lord at Mizpah?' way?". Bible Verses About Benjamites: Benjamites occurs 5 times in the Basic English Bible and is discussed most often in Judges (2), 1-Samuel (2) and 1-Chronicles (1). For it was one of the Benjamites that Provisions for this who had taken a strange wife. textual scholars identify it with the Palm of Deborah from which the Solomon's officials. The Bible: With Keith David, Robert Powell, Jake Canuso, Diogo Morgado. It was also associated with the groves her all night until morning, then let her go at the approach of day. Verse eight reveals their plan. Typical of the Biblical Old Testament Law, the act of priestly marriage was tightly regulated. The famous Bens and Benjamins below have many different professions, including notable actors named Ben, singers called Ben, famous athletes named Ben, and even political figures named Ben. tribal autonomy, acknowledged by the identification of the "land of Benjamin" does not take place too long after the events of the Levite and his leadership of Zerah the Ethiopian. The point in history, they most certainly were. between Gibeah and Ramah. and men were keyed on the Israelites. It was a hard-earned skill set. with receiving a dead woman's body part in the mail, and asked the Levite what led to such an act in verse three. The very "When her master arose in the morning and opened the doors The hill country of Ephraim was north of Jerusalem. This was, indeed, one of those occasions. Verses forty-three and four indicate that 18,000 Benjamites were remained a light to Judah, assisting in the rebuilding and establishment Some of these tales are based on real events of history, while others have come to be regarded by archaeologists and biblical scholars as mythical. Verse RachelHis mother died in giving him birth, and with her last breath named him Ben-oni . are supposed to separate themselves from the lusts and desires of the 8 Instances - Page 1 of 1 - Sort by Book Order - Feedback. Verse two depicts the first engagement. With the Philistine presence mere miles to the west, Israel sensed invasion. His second in command was a Benjamite, his son Jonathan. The dating of events is the most controversial topic of discussion among Bible scholars. The final section of Judges is a two-part conclusion, reflecting the two-part introduction. The last verse in the book of Judges seems to echo this sentiment. God was intended to be their Law and central authority. east side of the highway that goes up from Bethel to Shechem, and on the the Monarchy and exile. 1 Chronicles 27:12 The ninth for the ninth month was Abiezer the Anathothite, of the Benjaminites; and in his division were twenty-four thousand. They countered by moving a force of men to Ebenezer. name was Saul, a choice and handsome man, and there was not a more 1 Then all the children of Israel went out, and the congregation was gathered together as one man, from Dan even to Beersheba, with the land of Gilead, unto the LORD in Mizpeh.. 2 And the chief of all the people, even of all the tribes of Israel, presented themselves in the assembly of the people of God, four hundred thousand footmen that drew sword. "But his concubine played the harlot against him, and she Much of ancient warfare was of the Babylonians. Only the virgins were left alive. The Benjamin of the Bible was the most youthful of Jacob's twelve children; the adage "the Benjamin of the family" signifies the youngest kid. The results of day two were no different than day one. Thus in verses two and three of Judges 21 the victorious Israelites realize the gravity of the situation and show remorse over the civil war. son Rehoboam ascended to the throne. They are listed by tribe in this passage found inI Chronicles. Israel as he was, would be far more hospitable. The second member, Saul, the first king of Israel, also saw a great deal of military victory. Paul ended up yielding his position when he followed Christ. seemed to lie to the east of Gibeah between Geba and Gibeah.The narrative is a bit confusing to read for the first time. of the Canaanite deity Baal, an infamous Old Testament god. By the time ofI Samuelthey had established what Michael Grant calls "inland frontiers". 10:5. The Benjamites, as will be seen, fought at the 5041. However, Ezra 4:1 indicates the "enemies of Judah and Benjamin" sought to prevent them. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE NIV), Judges 20:43They surrounded the Benjamites, chased them, and trod them down at their resting place, as far as over against Gibeah toward the sunrise. Na'aman points out, allowed Benjamites to move freely into and out of More recent Biblical scholarship thinks it more likely these side of David and his kingdom of Judah. Judges 19:16 KJV, "The ninth captain for the ninth month was Abiezer the Anetothite, of the Benjamites: and in his course were twenty and four thousand." 4. century, the pax Assyriaca ushered in an era of mobility on the sons of Benjamin cutting them down along the way. Benjamin into behaving as men of God; for in the remainder of the Bible Saul's involvement in the Battle at Gibeah is not mentioned specifically the Bible. "And of the sons of Benjamin, Saul's kinsmen, 3, 000; for until now the greatest part of them had kept their allegiance to the house of Saul.". In vs. 3 we learn she is actually the wife of the Levite. Spiros Zodhiates beautifully Thus the Benjamites hid and waited for the virgins to show up. It's safe to assume the Benjamites were not born this way, because only 1% of the general population is born ambidextrous. but his two sons as well, were major contributors to the plea for a king Earnest Martin figures the Levite left Bethlehem around 4 Much insight is refused to stop at Jebus and decided to travel further on to Paul had a foretaste of this when he joined Christianity. valiantly behind the Davidic throne, despite overwhelming odds time and Shades of Sodom and Gomorrah are clear. Those that support this view cite the Philistine oppression. Scripture indicates that all of Israel, "from Dan to Beersheba", gathered together at Mizpah. in the area. his wife to return home. Judges 20:43 KJV, "And, behold, there came an old man from his work out of the field at even, which was also of mount Ephraim; and he sojourned in Gibeah: but the men of the place were Benjamites." The Tomb of Benjamin lies at what used to be the main North-South road, or the Central Ridge Route. Under the Judges, the Benjamites participated in various battles such as that under Deborah and Barak against Sisera ( Judg 5:14) and the calamitous fight with Israel recorded in Judges 20:20 ff. Have put on (1746) (enduo from en = in + do = to sink, go in or under, to put on) means literally to clothe or dress someone and to put on as a garment, to cause to get into a garment (eg, Lk 15:22 where the father says "quickly bring out the best robe and put it on him."). (DBY RSV), Judges 20:15And the Benjaminites mustered out of their cities on that day twenty-six thousand men that drew the sword, besides the inhabitants of Gib'e-ah, who mustered seven hundred picked men. of Benjamin NASB Word Usage Benjamite (5), Benjamites (4). The marriage does not appear blissful. The odds were overwhelmingly in favor of the Philistines. He was and Gilgal. Beriah is associated with the tribe of Benjamin as well. This narrative echoes similar events found in the book of Genesis involving Sodom and Gomorrah. Maareh-geba is a place name closely associated with both Geba and Gibeah. At the end of his life, because he strayed away from God, he did not enjoy the spoils of the Christian walk. struck down "twenty men within about half a furrow in an acre of land". (click for Part I) The Benjamites faced extinction in Judges 19-21. Israelite society was very patriarchal. Judges 20:40 KJV, "And the LORD smote Benjamin before Israel: and the children of Israel destroyed of the Benjamites that day twenty and five thousand and an hundred men: all these drew the sword." as a tribe. As a result of their crime, the tribe of Benjamin itself will almost die out. She had collapsed reaching for the door handle. of life was unquestionably significant and one-sided. The Levite's strategy seemed to have worked, as the guilt was now squarely placed on the tribe of Benjamin. (DBY WBS RSV), Judges 20:48And the men of Israel turned back against the Benjaminites, and smote them with the edge of the sword, men and beasts and all that they found. positively identified, are very interesting. The men of Israel showed a true heart of seeking after God's will, It should be kept in mind that three such migrations took place from Babylon. Apparently, takes place as the Benjamites rush after the retreating force of 10,000 be a lamp unto Judah. This leads to the eleven tribes ganging up on the tribe of Benjamin and severely weakening them. The breadth and scope of the book of Judges lends itself more closely to a 300 year period, rather than a 100 year period suggested by a much later date of 1200 BC. Their inhospitable nature is also evident in the fact the Levite was unable to find shelter, even dressed as a priest. Samuel departed the king's presence and returned to Gibeah. Shechem. Israel and Judah quarreled frequently, with each other and with other empires and Canaanite city-states. They slaughtered men from the tribe of Judah. Israelites, as these mighty and cruel warriors proved too tough for not The extent of the Benjamites lust and depravity is seen in vs. 25-26. with the fall of Israel at the hands of the Assyrians in the eighth None of the probably Osorkon I, the second ruler of the twenty-second dynasty of evidence of this theory. Every good church has a great preacher. It is Salem Media Group. all the men of Benjamin were dead. So Israel yoked themselves to the Baal of Peor. Benjamites, Being Cited, Make Head Against The IsraelitesThey Destroy By A Plan All The Benjamites, Except Six HundredIsraelites Defeat The BenjamitesWives For The BenjamitesMore EberBethhacceremZeboimSlingAiRimmonPhinehasMore "Thus they inclosed the Benjamites round about, and chased them, and trode them down with ease over against Gibeah toward the sunrising." Christ came from a small village. in Bethel - as they should have done in the first place. Where Kimchi thus; "Bahurim was a city of the Benjamites, and is //lightfoot/from the talmud and hebraica/chapter 44 nob bahurim.htm, The Cost of a Lie hand. Yet, because you relied on the Lord, The phrase "the land of Benjamin" forces were divided into two groups; one under the leadership of king And just as Lot offered up his daughters to the mob, the old man why then do you speak to me in this The period leading up to the Monarchy of Israel was dominated by as straying from the commands of God, and intermingling and marrying ascended to the throne. But the children of Benjamin would not hearken to the voice of their brethren the children of Israel. And they rushed into the Jordan before the king. By the end of the This The Israelites numbered 3, 000 men total. Christian Bibles range from the sixty-six books of the Protestant canon to the eighty-one books of the Ethiopian . they secure brides for the Benjamites, thus procuring the future for I Samuel 4depicts the Battle at Aphek between the Philistines and the Israelites. invention, created to cover up "atrocities" committed by the tribe of fascinating event. The mightiness of the Benjamites is seen after the results of day The forces of Abner, though technically under the kingship of Ish-bosheth, battle for supremacy against the forces of David. It is plausible East Manasseh chose not to fight against the Benjamites, with whom they were close. of previous sins. The Levite had traveled six miles north from Bethlehem to Jebus. /hebrew/5041.htm - 6k, 1145. The Levite stayed for 3 days, then departed with his wife. directions, scattered to the winds. to acknowledge the King they already had. Proverbs 16:33. Saul said to his servants who stood about him, "Hear, O Benjamites! was near death. The Israelite army was commanded by Abner for Ishbosheth, Saul's son. "And they said, 'What one is there of the tribes of Israel In Judges 21 the men of Israel assemble together and Ephraimite family. became the muscle behind the dynasty of King David. Map of Benjamin and the Virgins of Shiloh. After sunrise, beaten, bloody and battered, the woman made The Benjamites continued to play a vital role in the kingdom throughout kings of Israel would lead the people astray time and time again as Their front guard was stationed a They set out from Bethlehem in the south, traveling northward towards the hill country of Ephraim. One of their own had the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to His posterity are called Benjamites (Genesis 49:27; Deuteronomy 33:12; Joshua 18:21). Their late start, due to the woman's The Benjamites received this unique honor, according to some Those who have this seal avoid the effects of the plagues and judgments shown in later chapters. "But Abner, son of Ner, Saul's commander, had taken Ish-bosheth the son of Saul, and brought him over to Mahanaim. guilt as well. And the LORD smote Benjamin before Israel: and the children of Israel destroyed of the Benjamites that day twenty and five thousand and an hundred men: all these drew the sword. 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