This airport was also affected by unforecast fog and low cloud at the time of their arrival. The team leader on the day was a qualified dispatcher with over 20 years of experience. The flight watch dispatcher was responsible for maintaining flight watch services, either by actively monitoring, or passively following various assigned flights (see the section titled Flight dispatch and following). In addition, improved conditions could be expected from 1000 as the wind was forecast to tend southerly and both fog and low cloud were rare in a southerly flow at Mildura. The flight crews of Velocity 1384 and Qantas 735 planned for, and uploaded, sufficient fuel for the forecast conditions at Adelaide Airport in accordance with the respective operator's fuel policies. Nevertheless, the underpinning principle that the primary function of ATS is the safe separation of aircraft, with weather avoidance as an additional service subject to workload, is consistent with the system in Australia. Besides running concurrently for the when change in instrument this should have been done for at least five years for any change in siting. The article stated: Aviation special weather - SPECI, which can be obtained from an automatic broadcast service (ABS), no longer needs to be directed or broadcast to aircraft by ATS [air traffic services]. The weather forecasts and reports tabulated below do not indicate whether the applicable weather information was passed to the aircraft. - Improve the accuracy of forecasts in relation to predicting the onset and cessation times for thunderstorms and below minima conditions at airports; - Result in developing a less conservative forecast approach for significant weather events (with below minima conditions); - Improve forecaster responsiveness in amending forecasts after weather events have passed; Although no safety issue was identified by the ATSB, Virgin Australia Airlines Pty. Additionally, the workload associated with preparing for and conducting a diversion and approach could generally be expected to affect the crews capacity to determine whether they had sufficient fuel to conduct a further diversion. The signal transmitted does not include inherent directional information. It might be worth asking Anthony Watts if he knows of any from his US Surface Stations Investigation. As such, no analysis or findings are included in this report. The operations controller was responsible for overseeing the Virgin flight network, including coordinating air traffic control (ATC) slot times for arrivals. A review of the ATSB occurrence database showed that in the vast majority of cases, once aware of any non-normal situation, controllers initiated appropriate action to support flight crew. A fail operational system is a higher capability. Quality checks on data are not normally performed. A navigation aid that emits a signal that can be received by appropriately-equipped aircraft and represented as the aircrafts bearing (called a 'radial') to or from that aid. Winds southerly 20 to 30 km/h becoming light in the late evening. For the deterioration at Adelaide, ATC did not need to use the Hazard Alert prefix as the deterioration was in a current meteorological product. In. This was due to the workload associated with additional traffic arriving at Mildura and was consistent with the MATS priority of giving precedence to traffic separation over the dissemination of weather information. At the time of release of this report, the BoM was progressing the action items from the report and will discuss the outcomes with CASA. The March 2009 changes to the AIP were communicated to the aviation industry by three methods. State and regional weather forecasts, current conditions, Bureau of Meteorology warnings, radar and satellite animations By this time, Qantas 735 had landed at Mildura and Velocity 1384 was holding after advising ATC that they intended to delay their approach to land. Alternate fuel is calculated as sufficient fuel to approach the destination, conduct a missed approach and proceed to the nominated alternate airport for landing. This information was reported back to the crew of Qantas 735 as including a visibility of 700 m in fog. At 0027 WST on 1 June 2012, the flight crew of a Boeing 717 aircraft, registered VH-NXO, were conducting an instrument approach to land on runway 03 at Perth Airport after a flight from Paraburdoo, Western Australia. Although the captain of Velocity1384indicated that there was sufficient time to assess the option of returning to Adelaide, there was only a matter of several minutes available to make that decision and track towards Adelaide. Regardless, a return to Adelaide would have necessitated an automated landing by both crews in conditions that, like Mildura, were below landing minima and therefore constituted an emergency. By Julie Mercer. Sunny. [15] Generation of a routine TAF for Mildura Airport is also secondary to issuing trend forecasts (TTF) and amended TAFs for major international airports and category A airports (such as Canberra). The FOs relevant aeronautical experience is outlined in Table 4. The chance of a thunderstorm later in the day. The Brisbane and Melbourne flight information regions were listed in the section Middle East/Asia (MID/ASIA) Regional Supplementary Procedures. A signal from an aircraft to the ground station is used to calculate its distance from the ground station. The Bureau of Meteorology advised of various system changes and improvements in response to this occurrence. The ATSB found that the weather deterioration at Adelaide did not appear on the forecast when both aircraft departed their respective ports and furthermore the forecast duration of the fog in the later, amended forecast showed a clearance time earlier than actually occurred. They cover how the data are obtained, how they are processed, and what each column means. The visibility then started to increase, with the first SPECI showing no fog, but with mist and overcast cloud at 100 ft being issued at 1048. These included that at all times inflight onboard fuel shall not be less than: The Pilot In Command is required to assess, prior to DPA [Designated Point All Engines Operating] based on a Suitable Airport, that the above Minimum Mandatory requirements will be met at DPA. They are not at the same site [about 2 klm apart] so it will be no comparison anyway but when they have this valuable historical data, why destroy it? These levels depend on the: A system component failure in a fail passive system will not result in significant deviation of the aircrafts flight path but will mean that the aircraft can no longer be landed automatically. After scrutiny of the A8 forms actually provided, however, it appeared that the extent of parallel readings for the probe installed on 27 June 2012 would be limited to just the eight months July 2012 to February 2013 except that the BoM had omitted to scan September 2012 the one month that could provide a direct measure of the equivalence of the relevant probe for that time of year at that location.,, Hyping Daily Maximum Temperatures (Part 1), Happy New Highest Tide for 2023 Sunday 22nd January, Fear, Flooding, Forecasting & Australias 2022 Official Rainfall Statistics, A Note on Obfuscation, the 2022 Climate Report, and my Latest Film. As a result, the systems supervisor contacted the BoM to advise them of the unexpected deterioration and that the current Mildura TAF did not reflect the severity of the conditions. They need at least to admit that the change has happened and they cannot draw any scientific long term conclusions because of it. These reports: The on-request service is available to all aircraft in all classes of airspace on VHF or HF. However, that attempt resulted in a second missed approach. Parallel data from Mildura preliminary findings. Ltd. (Virgin) advised of a review and benchmarking exercise as part of its examination of this occurrence. As the actual conditions deteriorated in Adelaide, the en route controllers in Melbourne Centre responsible for the surrounding airspace started informing inbound flight crew of these changes. The Mallee en route sector comprised the airspace from 140 NM (259 km) to about 270 NM (500 km) to the east of Adelaide Airport and included the en route airspace above Mildura. I am shocked that as late as the 90s and 2000s they were not taking every precaution in preservation of a national and world treasure. At 0800, the TTF for Adelaide showed visibility had reduced to 1 km to the north-west and that patches of fog and shallow fog were present. Other formats To print this page, get the PDF version (one page, 45 kb ). It provides weather observations as well as relevant operational information, such as the requirement for additional holding fuel and the unavailability of facilities or services. accesses the ABS at a time when the SPECI information is available. Velocity 1384 departed Brisbane, Queensland at 0638 Eastern Standard Time[1] and had six crew and 85 passengers on board. This scenario is explained in the Flight Crew Training Manual (FCTM) (see appendix A). See more current weather. That discussion did not result in a change to the valve position and it remained open. The pilot reported weather conditions at the airport for the information of inbound aircraft. It seems like the record was in better hands when nobody knew its importance they were just keeping the records for agricultural and meteorological history sake. This TAF forecasted visibility in excess of 10 km and scattered cloud at 3,000 and 5,000 ft. No significant weather was listed on the TAF and no indication of low cloud or fog was given. Given that the bureau has installed these probes in over 500 locations around Australia, you would assume that the proper comparative tests would have been extremely thorough, and performed at various sites of temperature extremes before they were widely introduced. At 0800, when the TTF was issued for Adelaide showing fog that was predicted to clear from 0900, Virgins flight watch personnel again reviewed the product for applicability to Velocity 1384. Section of the MATS indicated that components of the FIS would be notified to relevant aircraft as soon as practicable after receipt by ATC. At about 0630 on 18 June, ATC at Parafield and Edinburgh Airports, to the north of Adelaide, began to advise BoM forecasters that visibility was reducing in fog. After I manually transcribed and analysed relevant data from a subset of the first batch of over 4,000 scanned A8 forms received on 28 October, I wrote to Minister Freydenberg on 12 November explaining that the values recorded manually on the A8 forms from the mercury thermometers for the period November 1996 to December 2000 at Mildura are significantly different from the official values recorded from the electronic probes. The ABS and the on-request service remained as described in the previous version of the AIP. 128 km Mildura Radar Loop Provides access to meteorological images of the Australian weather watch radar of rainfall and wind. As previously stated, given the forecast conditions at Adelaide Airport, the flight crews of Velocity1384 and Qantas 735 were not required to carry fuel for an alternate. The 0800 TTF indicated fog as it was considered imminent and formed at 0804, which was reflected in a SPECI issued at 0805. A number of information sources are available to assist this in-flight decision making in relation to assessing the weather affecting a flight and the need to divert to an alternate destination. It stated that FIS was to include operational information about meteorological conditions and hazard alerts. Significant fluctuations in forecast accuracy and the resulting risk to safety were observed over time. Ltd. and Qantas Airways Ltd. Submissions were received from the flight crew of Velocity 1384, Airservices Australia, the Bureau of Meteorology, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, Virgin Australia Airlines Pty. - Occurs when the main wing tanks differ by more than 453 kg (1,000 lbs). The crew replied that the cloud base was at 150 ft AGL and that they had landed off the approach due fuel. Ltd. as Velocity 1384 and VH-VYK operated by Qantas Airways Ltd. as Qantas 735, were on scheduled passenger flights to Adelaide, South Australia. Unless early consideration was given to a return to Adelaide Airport for an emergency autoland approach, a landing below minima at Mildura Airport was the only option at Mildura Airport. They simply shout louder the same flawed (or worse) story. Here is what vindication looks like: [2] The fuel on board at take-off from Brisbane was 8,800 kg as recorded on the flight data recorder. If an ABS is not available, pilots may request weather information from ATS as part of the on-request flight information service. 9669 4082, by fax on (03) 9669 4515, or by email on We have taken all due care but cannot provide any warranty nor accept any liability for this information. In other words, considering the forecasts that did not predict conditions below the alternate minima (0.09 per cent), and all observations below the landing minima (0.99 per cent), in the period 20092013, 10 per cent of the time that the observations were below the landing minima at Mildura Airport, those conditions were not forecast (0.09/0.99). Given the TAF only had a 30 per cent probability of fog, and as the aircraft was in the sterile cockpit phase of flight, flight watch did not pass the TAF to the crew at this point. You do not have a default location set This section also provided guidance on what actions to carry out if an in-flight fuel check indicated the expected fuel remaining on arrival at the destination was insufficient. The crew decided to conduct an autopilot-coupled approach with automatic landing, as fog was also present at Edinburgh Airport, rendering that airport unsuitable as an alternate. Further, it was identified that in certain circumstances, pilots will not be made aware of a deterioration of weather at an airport that has an Automatic Weather Information Service or other Automatic Broadcast Service. In this occurrence, the forecast extension of the fog at Adelaide occurred after DPA, which limited the available options. The Hazard Alerting service is provided by ATC and provides pilots with information that is assessed by ATC to be of an unexpected and critical nature, and could assist pilots to avoid hazardous situations. The AIP outlines the elements of ATC-initiated FIS. At 0954, the controller made another all stations broadcast with the latest TAF issued for Mildura, valid from 1000. The meteorological information obtained from an AWIS is operationally equivalent to that provided in routine observations (METAR) and SPECI reports. Latest Weather Observations for Mildura IDV60801 Issued at 9:22 am EDT Monday 16 January 2023 (issued every 10 minutes, with the page automatically refreshed every 10 minutes) About weather observations | Map of weather stations | Latest weather observations for VIC | Other Formats Station Details ID: 076031 Name: MILDURA AIRPORT Lat: -34.24 the development of fog depends on factors that are not well understood, fog is relatively uncommon at most airports, the required accuracy of the forecast is high. Web. In addition there was a 30per cent probability of 500m visibility in fog and broken cloud at 200 ft AGL between 1000 and 1200. By the time the aircraft arrived at the airport, the runway threshold was obscured by the fog. Given the actions of the Qantas 735 crew (who did obtain the weather) to continue to Adelaide, this decision would have been reasonable. 128 km Mildura 5 min Rainfalls. At 0953, Velocity 1384 informed ATC that they would have to declare a fuel emergency in 10minutes. The bureau needs a big shake-up from the top down. Airservices Australia (Airservices) advised that a diversion in these circumstances would not generally trigger controllers or supervisors to increase their monitoring of conditions at the alternate. Good situation awareness supports effective decision making, which relies on accurate information being obtained in a timely manner (Endsley, 1997). They considered this was a sufficient buffer if the fog did not clear by 0900. These conditions include thunderstorms, hail storms and fog. The changes also resulted in any SPECI report that was available from an ABS not being sent automatically to a controllers workstation. Taking into account their recent duty and rest opportunities, it is considered that FO fatigue was not a factor in the occurrence. When Velocity 1384 departed Brisbane for Adelaide, the TAF that was current at the time showed favourable conditions for arrival and did not require the nomination of an alternate airport. In addition, the section relating to the responsibilities of officers exercising their best judgement and initiative to assist pilots was removed from the section relating to the provision of flight information services. At 0948 the crew of the Dash-8 asked Qantas 735 for their assessment of the weather. In September 2015 the BOM implementation of Himawari 8 satellite data. (Weather station: Mildura Airport, Australia). The No. Water Data Online provides free access to nationally current and historical water information that is collected by the Bureau of Meteorology under the Water Regulations (2008). Readers are cautioned that new evidence will become available as the investigation progresses that will enhance the ATSB's understanding of the accident as outlined in this web update. At about 1015 EST on 18 June 2013 air traffic control advised the ATSB of a fuel related occurrence involving a Boeing 737-8FE (B737), registered VH-YIR, at Mildura Airport, Victoria. BoM records at the time showed that Adelaide Airport averaged 4.9 fog events per annum. Forecast Areas Map Observations Melbourne Observations All Victorian Observations Rainfall & River Conditions QLD QLD Weather & Warnings Warnings Summary Forecasts Brisbane Forecast Qld. Mildura Get weather for: Search You do not have a default location set To set your location please use the search box to find your location and then click "set as my default location" on the local weather page. At 0938, a LOW FUEL QTY Tank 2 message was recorded on the FDR, with 880 kg remaining in the No. On the morning of 18 June 2013, a Boeing 737 aircraft, registered VH-YIR and operated by Virgin Australia, was conducting a scheduled passenger service from Brisbane, Queensland to Adelaide, South Australia. The ATSB commenced an investigation at about 1100 on 18 June 2013 and the cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder were removed from the aircraft and forwarded to the ATSBs facilities in Canberra for download. Despite not being passed the updated weather information from their flight operations centre, the crew of Velocity 1384 had two opportunities to become aware of the deterioration in Adelaide prior to being notified at 0844 by the Tailem Bend controller. ATC radar limitations and frequency congestion may also be factors in limiting the controllers capability to provide additional service. The section relating to the provision of FIS was substantially the same as version 7 of the MATS. These are useful, for example, for identifying fog and low cloud, which may not be visible in thermal infrared images because it has a similar temperature to the ground below. Under Part 4, Division 2 (Investigation Reports), Section 26 of the Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 (the Act), the ATSB may provide a draft report, on a confidential basis, to any person whom the ATSB considers appropriate. The Tailem Bend en route sector comprised the airspace from 36 NM (67 km) to 140 NM (259 km) to the east of Adelaide Airport. The AIP also indicated that the FIS comprised three elements: The automatic broadcast services (ABS) consisted of: An automatic terminal information service (ATIS) is an automated pre-recorded transmission indicating the prevailing weather conditions at an airport and other relevant operational information for arriving and departing aircraft. As a result, and in accordance with the Qantas procedures in such situations, flight watch did not pass the amended TAF via ACARS until Qantas 735 had reached top of climb and the sterile cockpit period had ended. Landing below minima due to fog involving Boeing 737s, VH-YIR and VH-VYK, Mildura Airport, Victoria on 18 June 2013, forecasting and distribution of weather information by the Bureau of Meteorology, provision of weather and operational information by Airservices Australia to all aircraft that were affected by the reduced visibility at Adelaide, provision of weather and operational information to those aircraft by the operators. Chapter 6 Air Traffic Services, stated: Amended aerodrome forecasts shall be passed to aircraft within 60 minutes from the aerodrome of destination, unless the information has been made available through other means. The controller could request specific SPECI reports for an airport if required; however, only those SPECI reports that covered airports without an ABS would be automatically sent to the controllers workstation. As such, no analysis or findings are included in this update. The TAF also included TEMPO periods between 0500 and 1000 in which the cloud base was forecast to reduce to 600 ft AGL. MATS version23 was current at the time of occurrence involving VH-YIR and VH-VYK. in India, UK, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait) the BoM records the instantaneous highest one-second readings from a probe as the maximum temperature for that location for that day. This guidance identified the need to take into account the traffic and weather conditions expected for the destination, along the diversion route and at the alternate (if applicable). The controller subsequently reported initially continuing to give priority to aircraft separation. The second was the issue of an Aeronautical Information Circular, effective 12 March 2009 that was intended to provide education on changes to the delivery of the SPECI and ARFOR elements of the ATC initiated Flight Information Service (FIS). MILDURA AIRPORT . Despite the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) knowing of the deteriorating weather at Mildura from other sources, by not passing on the in-flight weather report of deteriorating weather from the departing air ambulance pilot, the controller removed an important source of information for use by the BoM. On arrival at Mildura, Velocity 1384 and Qantas 735 had insufficient fuel to divert to any other airport and were committed to a landing in conditions below their landing minima. The supervisors were also aware that the weather was similarly deteriorating and, in some cases, additional traffic holding requirements were affecting other ports such as Melbourne, Canberra and Albury. As such, when the crew of Velocity 1384 initiated the diversion to Mildura Airport, they had not confirmed sufficient fuel to meet the TEMPO requirement. As both aircraft were committed to landing at Mildura by this time this would not have influenced the occurrence. On 7 June 2007, amendment 51 of the AIP redefined the elements of an FIS by adding an ATCinitiated FIS and removing the Hazard Alert Service. - Digits on tank(s) with low fuel quantity turn amber. Meteorological Information for Aircraft in Flight (VOLMET). Given the prevalence of AWIS at many nonmajor airports in Australia, there remains a risk that, given this 30-minute gap in the availability of weather reports, pilots will not be made aware of significant weather deteriorations at these airports in sufficient time to support their in-flight decision making. Information on the provision of hazard alerts was amended to require controllers to: Communicate a sudden (not forecast or NOTAMed) change to a component of FIS having an immediate and detrimental effect on the safety of aircraft by using the prefix Hazard Alert. In terms of their in-flight decision making, it is reasonable to expect that such requests would occur prior to a decision point or point of no return. The FO reported obtaining about 7 hours sleep the night prior to the occurrence and felt well rested. A number of reviews of the ATSB occurrence database were carried out in an effort to understand the potential operational and other factors in this occurrence. This investigation will analyse Bureau of Meteorology data across Australian airports, with a focus on those supporting regular public transport operations, and is subject to the availability of long-term data holdings of aviation forecasts and observations. For the 201516 financial year [FY] the BoM will install weather cameras at 1520 locations at major capital city aerodromes, including Adelaide airport, and key regional aerodromes. View the current warnings for Victoria. These occurrences were investigated by the ATSB website and are detailed below. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. The actions of the flight crew of the second Virgin aircraft to query ATC about the weather update for Adelaide were consistent with this advice. The manual gave the following guidance to crew in order to ensure compliance: Once airborne, the amount of fuel onboard the aircraft at any point inflight should not be less than: In relation to in-flight fuel checks, it further stated: If sufficient fuel does not remain on board at the PNR [Point of No Return] to allow continued flight to the destination in accordance with the inflight fuel requirements, a diversion shall be made to an aerodrome which satisfies the inflight fuel requirements. Boeing 737-800 aircraft were unable to use Broken Hill due to runway pavement limitations. The flight crews of Velocity 1384 and Qantas 735 reported assessing the Mildura weather prior to diverting from Adelaide Airport. The BoM reported that fog was not included in the 0700 TTF as the surface winds did not support the formation of fog. Partly cloudy. Mildura Forecast View the current warnings for Victoria Forecast issued at 4:30 pm EDT on Saturday 14 January 2023. Supervisors at Melbourne Centre indicated that the BoM would often ask for more than one report of deteriorating weather to inform their decision making in relation to amending a forecast. C. A number of these challenges have been identified by the Centre of Australian Weather and Climate Research and include that: At interview, the BoM similarly stated that as fog is a very rare event for most airports, it is difficult to accurately forecast. This included the 0800 TTF, which indicated the fog would dissipate by 0900. All rights reserved. The diversion was based, in part, on weather observation reports at Mildura indicating the weather was better than forecast. Identify what items make you the most money and which items don't. Quickly view your stock levels and even see what's on order and when you can expect it. There are many more maximum temperatures measurements available for the electronic probe (n=948) than for the mercury thermometer (n=115), and the distribution is quite different, with a somewhat more normal distribution for the probe data, as shown in Figure 2. Fdr, with 880 kg remaining in the late evening what each column means slot times for.... Or HF night prior to the AIP did not support the formation of fog account... M in fog attempt resulted in any SPECI report that was available from an aircraft to the were. Calculate its distance from the ground station is used to calculate its distance the. The change has happened and they can not draw any scientific long term conclusions because of.... Fuel on board control ( ATC ) slot times for arrivals improvements in response to occurrence... Flight network, including coordinating air traffic control ( ATC ) slot times for arrivals worth asking Watts. Airport, Australia ) 735 as including a visibility of 700 m in fog // #.. 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