bludger = Someone who bludges; i.e. A term arising from the vast sandy deserts of Western Australia; also, sandgroper is the name of a burrowing insect found in Western Australia, belonging to the Cylindrachetidae family). cut = Feeling hurt, e.g. Australian slang, also known as 'Strine' is widely used by Australian people. He was big-noting himself to impress that girl. Winfield Blue cigarettes), swears a lot, drinks beer a lot, and has a mullet haircut. get your end in = To have sexual intercourse. he went berko when he was told he was sacked. dinkum = Genuine, authentic, on the level, e.g. @James, from my experience cobber is a generational thing, typically said by our older mothers and fathers who would have been born in the WWII era. A Furphy water cartfurphy = A rumour. Top Enders = People from that area of the NT from Katherine north. John Smith: dumb one day, stupid the next. [See the entry: shoot through like a Bondi tram.]. Geez, its a real stinker out there, Its stinking hot, Its a stinker of a day. Distinct from the British term stinker, which refers to someone who is not very nice. Speewah = Somewhere very far away. Mexicans = Victorians are called Mexicans by people from Queensland and New South Wales, because Victoria is south of the border. Basically stands for a 'Bastards & Spinsters Ball' and they used to be a way for young singles to meet in country towns. BS = An abbreviation of the word bullshit (referring to a lie, to something said that is disagreed with, or to a situation that is disagreed with), e.g. A fearsome-looking Drop Beardrop bears = Not a slang term as such, but included here since overseas visitors may be unaware of the differences between the two related species, Koala Bears and Drop Bears (the former being cute and cuddly, albeit with sharp claws; the latter being vicious and deadly, especially when dropping out of a gum tree onto a victim). See: IAC list on Trove. He took off like a brides nightie. Down Under = Australia, e.g. Out of a Cornflakes packet? Possibly derived from arc welding, whereby sparks fly out (sparks flying refers to an argument or fight). Similar to the phrase put the bite on. Top Enders = People from the Northern Territory; Territorians. amber fluid = Beer; a reference to its colour. Bewdy, Norm! was an advertising catchphrase in the 1970s. Sanger is an alteration of the word sandwich.Sango appeared as a term for sandwich in the 1940s, but by the 1960s, sanger took over to describe this staple of Australian cuisine. great grey migration, the = When, in the winter season, thousands of retired Australians (grey hairs) from the southern states travel to Queensland for a holiday. I mentioned this in passing amongst some American friends. No budgie smugglers ? Here is what you give as its meaning: doesnt know if hes Arthur or Martha = Someone who is confused; similar to doesnt know if he is coming or going. When the English language was exported, English took on another form of it's own. Derived from the hard life of a dingo, who may not always find it easy to obtain food. Trying to decipher what they are saying can leave you scratching your head. The world's best online dictionary. blow-in = An uninvited newcomer, a recent arrival, someone who is not really a part of the group; the term is usually derogative, being a reference to something that has just been blown in by the wind; e.g. bitumen = A tarred road; from the bitumen used on roads. You can borrow my hammer; but, remember, its a boomerang. tough as fencing wire = Someone or something that is very tough. Similar to the phrase not worth a brass razoo. no wuckers = Not a problem; an adaptation of No wuckin furries. Thats a nice car youve got there; shes a beauty alright. Aerial pingpong : Australian Rules football Aggro: Aggressive, ticked off, spoiling for a fight Alkie: Alcoholic The Australian usage differs to the British usage of the term, where wog refers to people of Central Asian ethnicity (people from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, etc.). Dont ask him to play, hes a bit of a sook. dog = An informer, especially an informer for the police or prison guards, e.g. Shes such a great woman, her bloods worth bottling; hence the term bottler. The basics G'day Hello, hi. Our survey of 2300 Australians has given us a tremendous amount of information about the words and phrases we use. bathers = Swimming costume; also known as a cossie (short for costume:, i.e. Fair dinkum, thats what happened. lolly = A piece of confectionary, a candy, a sweet (an abbreviation of lollypop). billy lid = Rhyming slang for kid (child). Derived from the perception that galahs (a species of bird) are not very bright. bodgy = Something of dubious worth, e.g. [See the entry: Bandywallop.]. Freedom on the Wallaby [poem by Henry Lawson, 16 May 1891] Youre useless, you should go south til your hat floats. Weve been here too long, its time to hit the frog and toad. Be quiet, or Ill hit you on the head). ); pike out. Julia Robinson, editor of the Australian National Dictionary Centre, says while it's chiefly a US term, it's also used in Australia, particularly in surfing contexts. Sangers come in all shapes and sizes for all occasionsthere are gourmet sangers, steak sangers, veggi. Budgy/Budgie smuggler: Slang for men's Speedo bathing shorts. They told him he wasnt welcome at the party, and he spat the dummy, She didnt get that promotion at work, I think shes going to spit the dummy. thong = Open-toed footwear, designed to be used in hot weather, especially at the beach. piss = Beer. no worries = Not a problem, its all okay, everything is fine. bizzo, ambo), and then original Aussie slang phrases. Henry Kendall give it a bash = To have a go at doing something, to attempt to do something, e.g. Block has a few meanings but the more Aussie one is your head. couldnt raffle a chook in a pub = Referring to someone who is incompetent. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names an o suffix, e.g. Everyone turns up in their vehicles, there's a raging party and they sleep/pass out in their swags, alone or if the night has worked out well, with company. The Australian National Dictionary (AND) is a dictionary of Australianisms. bush pig = Someone with little or no manners, a badly-behaved person. Get the root rat mug. A country dunnydunny = Toilet (bog, crapper, loo, shitter, water closet). = A light-hearted thanks to God for making it rain, inclusive of a request to make the rain continue (the intent is something like Good on ya, God, for making it rain; keep up the good work). I made a bundle on that last horse race. A divvy vandivvy van = Divisional van; a police vehicle, based upon a utility vehicle design, with a lockable rear section, used to transport prisoners (sometimes referred to as a paddy wagon); can also be spelt as divvie van. Then toss a coin to decide who will answer the question: Heads = Ask, meaning you can ask anyone else the question Tails = Tell, meaning you have to answer the question yourself You can't change the question after flipping the coin Suggested questions Australian Slang True blue, fair dinkum, ridgy-didge; the Australian vocabulary is chockas with random terms and phrases that essentially mean very little. Finding an adorable nickname for your sweetie-pie little guy should be no trouble at all. Rather less imaginatively, they are also called 'ballhuggers'. Not a slang term as such, but included here since Americans can get confused over the term, as a rubber in the USA refers to a condom (some Americans were shocked to read that the advertised content of a showbag for young children included pencils and rubbers). if someones car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, they might exclaim Bugger! The term is used in the same way as Damn! Overseas visitors should take note that the term bugger is distinct from the original meaning of the terms bugger and buggery, regarding anal intercourse. as ugly as a hatful of arseholes = A negative reference to someones looks. Davo, Jacko, Johno, Robbo, Stevo, and Tommo (David, Jack, John, Robert, Steve, and Tom). youse = You all; you guys. Ben Hall, Captain Moonlite (Andrew Scott), Captain Thunderbolt (Frederick Ward), Frank Gardiner, Mad Dan Morgan, and Ned Kelly were all considered to be bushrangers. wuss = Someone who is cowardly, usually referring to males. like a chook with its head cut off = A reference to someone who is behaving in an erratic or foolish manner; e.g. But it s all right for her, she s got a whole smorgasbord selection of classic spunk Contemporary slang . Books (full text) Im as dry as a nuns nasty; based upon a disrespectful reference to a nuns private parts from lack of sexual activity. best thing since sliced bread = Something that is very good, a great invention. Not a slang term as such, but it is included here since Americans can get confused over the term, as a thong in the USA refers to a skimpy piece of underwear (Australians also call that type of clothing a thong; however, they are well aware that there are two main types of thong, one for footwear and one for underwear). dropkick = Someone who is dumb or an idiot. Distinct from the modern term bonk, which refers to people having sexual intercourse. pissed to the eyeballs = Very drunk, e.g. dig = An abbreviation of digger (meaning friend, cobber, mate). durry = A cigarette, e.g. : Excellent! While Aussies speak English, the dialect and accent are unique to them. They have a reputation for shortening 90% of the words they use to create what is known as Australian Slang - I mean - where else in the world is McDonald's (the world-renowned fast-food chain) called Maccas? You know, strain the potatoes. coldie - beer. I hope your chooks turn into emus and kick your dunny down (referring to an outdoor dunny, an outside toilet). Rex Ingamells block. Ive just paid all of my bills, and now Ive got bugger all money left. He was pretty toey about having to stay inside all day. Bush telly "Bush. cactus = To die; stop working, e.g. they had a bit of a bingle on the main road. . goog = An egg, e.g. bitser = A dog of mongrel pedigree; from being bits of this pedigree and bits of that pedigree. Sheila. smoko - cigarette break. ARSE: 2 Equivalent to tail (U.S.): sexual access to women; THE GOOD FORTUNE this implies. arse . whinge = To complain, moan, whine, especially used when there is little reason for complaint, when there is no point complaining, or when the matter seems trivial, e.g. Similar to oo roo. That blokes a bit odd; hes a stubbie short of a six pack. bottle-o = A bottle shop, especially a drive-through bottle shop. Anzac. P. R. Stephensen A lot of Australian slang is inspired by beach and surf culture. spunk rat n Australian a sexually attractive young person. Our pipes [short story by Henry Lawson] A. G. Stephens He dudded me on the deal. bullshit artist = Someone who says a lot of bullshit, i.e. got the sack), his girlfriend didnt like him any more, so she gave him the flick; similar to give someone the arse. blue = [1] A disagreement or fight, e.g. She bottled her boyfriend in a spat, He seems really angry, it looks like hes going to bottle someone. bloody. bush week = Uncultured behaviour, referring to the possibility of people living in the bush (without refined manners) coming down to the city en masse and acting up, e.g. On the other side of the coin, a woman is known as a sheila. Thanx Apple Isle = Tasmania. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names an o suffix, e.g. He caught the wog (stomach bug). boozer = [1] A pub, e.g. Someone stole his bike and he chucked a wobbly. Sheila initially was how Aussies would refer to Irish women, but eventually the name stuck as slang for women in general. Folk music and bush music (videos) Dont do that again, or Ill knock your block off. To pronounce this properly, the words oo and roo should both rhyme with boo, do, or you. he bailed her up to talk about her decision. Person, usually a male. as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike = Someone, or something, that is not useful. 'Bruce bailed' = Bruce isn't going to turn up. chockablock = Full, e.g. not the full quid = Someone who is perceived to be lacking in intelligence, a person who is not very bright; refers to lacking enough coin to make up a full quid (dollar or pound); similar to Hes only fifty cents to the dollar and a few cents short of a dollar. First Fleeter = Someone who arrived in Australia on the First Fleet, or one of their descendants. booze bus = A police van, used as a mobile breath-testing station (for police to determine if a drivers blood alcohol level is over the legal limit). Ok, the first two points in that last statement are accurate but the latter may be stretching the truth just a little. ballistic phrase go ballistic, to become crazy; get furious. A ute, doing some burn-outsute = A utility vehicle, being a vehicle with a tray behind the seating section (can be an open tray, or a tray with sides and a tailgate at the back). The following definitions and usages suggest yes, this can be used for women, and the definition is not exclusive to Australia. Want a lift? Balmain folk dancing = Putting the boot in, when a fighting opponent is on the ground; from the Sydney suburb of Balmain, once considered to be a tough area. bush bashing = Driving around in the bush, especially where there are no roads or only tracks (especially used regarding four wheel drive vehicles). The full phrase is Fair suck of the saveloy, but saveloy has long since been shortened to sav (a saveloy is a seasoned pork sausage). Also spelt little Johnnie. on the piss = Drinking alcohol, or drinking alcohol excessively. OS = Abbreviation for overseas (i.e. Of course, it may well be that the variation has no connection with Strachan, and that it was just a rhyming variation of the original phrase somewhat similar in style to Hello Jack, hows your back?, And then there is Spew-manti the usual reference for the cheap alcoholic bubbly Asti-Spumante of the 1970s, What does Dont be an Uncle Willy mean please? , here's our guide to the best (and worst) of Australian slang. I just bought a new car, its sweet as!. chigger = Tasmanian name for a bogan (from the Tasmanian suburb of Chigwell, which was regarded as a low-class area). (UK, slang) male ejaculate; semen (UK, slang) to ejaculate noun (countable, obsolete) A spark. Can I correct/add to your phrase She bangs like a dunny door? Banana bender Resident of Queensland. Some are in current widespread use, whilst others are not; some may be derived or taken from overseas slang, but most are unique to Australia. Captain James CookCaptain Cook = Rhyming slang for look, e.g. Robbo = Robert. Hes got a real down on him for smashing his car; also rendered as a downer. chin wag = Talk, gossip, chat, usually refers to a conversation of some length regarding matters of little importance, e.g. A modern usage of the term refers to those alcoholic drinks which have a low alcohol content. She fell out of the ugly tree (can also can be given in a longer form, such as He fell out of the ugly tree, and hit a few branches on the way down). australian slang. Bullamakanka = Somewhere very far away. A Ace! Aussie = [1] An Australian; usually with patriotic or nationalist overtones, being a reference to a fair dinkum Australian. n Australian a sexually attractive young person. He left the pub, pissed to the eyeballs. Davo, Jacko, Johno, Robbo, Stevo, and Tommo (David, Jack, John, Robert, Steve, and Tom). Also rendered as lammie. Get your laughing gear around that sanger. knackered = Very tired, exhausted. grey nomads = Elderly people, particularly retirees, who travel a lot, especially using caravans or campervans. [See the entry: brass razoo.]. Dont be a silly billy. Originally a reference to an outdoor toilet (an outhouse). Vandemonians = Tasmanians. Stone the crows! The Gabba = A reference to the cricket ground in Wooloongabba, Queensland. Similar to buggered, knackered, shattered. Thanks for the loan, Ill fix you up next week. Used in the rhyming parody prayer for dinnertime, Two, four, six, eight; bog in, dont wait. Im going to the bottle shop to get some grog. buggered = [1] Broken down, not working, e.g. dead marine = An empty beer bottle (possibly of US origin or reference thereto). phrase pissed to the eyeballs:, Spewin (adj) objecting to a situation, place or thing causing the person to become vocally angry, agitated or upset. dead set = Truly, e.g. sus = Suspicious; something worthy of suspicion; someone or something thought to be a bit dodgy, e.g. But it s all right for her, she s got a whole smorgasbord selection of classic spunk Go on, have a think about it, use your loaf. churchie = A church-goer; also used regarding students from Church of England schools. She went crook at him when she found out that he ate all the chocolates. Similar to hoo roo. fang it = To move quickly, especially to drive fast, e.g. Short for "good day". Meaning everything will be alright. There are actually people not from WA and Vic who play footy (FOOTY = football game, not necessarily Victorian or AFL). Some are in current widespread use, whilst others are not; some may be derived or taken from overseas slang, but most are unique to Australia. In Australia, the terms bugger and buggery are relatively inoffensive (in the right context, they are only as offensive as the word damn); however, this usage is very different to other places, which is why the ABC television show Club Buggery (1995-1997) had problems being sold to overseas markets, since in other countries the term buggery is only known regarding its original meaning of anal intercourse (in 1998 the show was revamped as The Channel Nine Show). Pitt Street farmer = A businessman or investor who buys or invests in a farm or agricultural business (Pitt Street is a street in Sydney associated with businessmen); the Victorian version is a Collins Street farmer (after a street in Melbourne associated with businessmen, particularly with medical professionals). I saw Ayers Rock up close, it was humungous (also spelt humongous). rough as guts = Someone who appears to be uncouth, uncultured, and lacking social refinement, e.g. 71. You stay there, Ill get the drinks, its my shout. Strine = A name for Australian slang, or the way Australians speak. Hes a fair dinkum Aussie. theyre living out in the back blocks. cop it sweet = When someone takes on a negative outcome without complaining. Davo cant go into work today, because hes real crook. Lucy Everett Homfray spunk google books The following definitions and usage are from: Dalzell -The New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English, 2nd Edition. Not slang as such, but a well-known part of Australian pub culture. fuck truck = A panel van, often laid out with carpet, and with curtains fitted over the windows of the back compartment, so as to make it a suitable place for intimate couplings. hoo roo = Goodbye. black velvet. (Originally illicit) relations of white male and black female. As Edward Gibbon Wakefield noted in his 1829 letter from Sydney: "The base language of English thieves is becoming the established language of the colony It means difficult, dangerous or challenging. Aussie Slang. (Supplied: Chelsey Horne) Gnarly Gnarly can mean very good as well. ( give us a go). Aussie slang such as 'budgie', 'greenie', 'pollie', 'surfie', and even 'mozzie' are now also making appearances in global English. Thats BS!, William BuckleyBuckleys chance = Low chance or no chance of something happening, e.g. . arced up = A reference to someone being angry or upset, e.g. Bandywallop = A made-up place name for somewhere very far away, up country; examples of which include Bandywallop, Bullamakanka, and Woop Woop. Aussie Rules = Australian Rules Football. Australian Army soldiers who served in North African campaign WW2 DEUCE - sentence to jail for two months (criminal slang 1950s) . No fricking way! battler = Someone who is not rich, battling against lifes odds. You reckon Australia was founded in the year 1500? Brissie = An abbreviation of Brisbane (the capital of Queensland). Arvo Afternoon. big-noting = When someone puffs up their own importance, e.g. Ned Kelly beard = A full beard (being a comparison with the full beard sported by the bushranger Ned Kelly in some famous photographs). use your loaf = Use your head, think clearly, e.g. iffy = Not very good, suspect, suspicious, e.g. The sun shines, the sky is blue and Aussies speak a Language that we can all understand! See: IAC list on Trove. office bike = A woman who is sexually active with many men, i.e. no dramas = Not a problem, its all okay, everything is fine, this is not a drama (i.e. Similar to a few cents short of a dollar, a few sangers short of a barbie, a couple of lamingtons short of a CWA meeting, and a stubbie short of a six pack. Would you like a googy egg? (can also be spelt googie egg). lolly water = Soft drink (e.g. Claytons = A non-alcoholic drink advertised (in a huge advertising campaign) as the drink you have when youre not having a drink, a phrase that then came to be commonly used to describe many other things that largely occur, or exist, in name only, e.g. Minnesota is known as The Land of 10,000 Lakes, but the official count of lakes more than ten acres (40,000 m) in size is approximately 11,842. sticky beak = [2] Having an unwarranted look into someone elses business, e.g. Gropers = An abbreviated form of Sandgropers, i.e. Poetry and songs, 1901-1954 [See the entry: Bandywallop.]. come the raw prawn = To try to impose on someone, or to seek an advantage, e.g. Early music (videos) dud = Defraud, e.g. spewin = Angry, very upset, not very happy, e.g. Dont trust that bloke, hes a dog, He dogged on his mates. Thesaurus > Synonym of spunk-rat. No Foe Shall Gather Our Harvest [poem by Mary Gilmore, 29 June 1940] spirit, vim. that cake was massive, it was gi-normous; can also be spelt as ginormous. Damn, my lawn mowers buggered; Im gunna have to get it fixed. Chuck us the stick over here, Hey, chuck us a can of beer, would ya?. give it a burl = To have a go at doing something, to attempt to do something, e.g. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names a zza suffix, e.g. bolt it in = To win easily, or to win by a great distance, e.g. Heritage, history, and heroes. Stories, songs, and sages. Derived from the insensitive, or politically incorrect, phrase carrying on like a Jew with a pork chop in a synagogue. spunk rat n Australian a sexually attractive young person. Phrase/term . Here is a list of commonly used words and phrases try them out with your Australian friends! Search Web Search Thesaurus . Singular: cocky. Similar to the phrase Damn you to hell. stone the crows = A phrase used when surprised, e.g. magpie = A hoarder; someone who is attracted to shiny things, who wants to take them home. did you get your license from out of a Cornflakes packet? Although, the variation probably dates back further than that, as part of verbal culture. bloody ripper = A reference to something that is really good. being selected to join a team or group). Ive known him for yonks. So, let's not milkshake duck (verb) Australian slang by focusing too much on the past cultural cringe and underplaying the evolving nature of slang. Aussie salute - brushing away flies with your hand. A woman. Australians dont say cobber thats very Pommy! ambos = Ambulance medics. Sandgropers = Western Australians. Once the cops catch up with him, then itll be all over red rover. dirty on = To be unhappy with someone, e.g. sheila = A woman. Australian slang words - a definitive guide to Aussie slang Mark October 18, 2007 12 Comments So you've decided to move to Australia. Spelt both with and without a hyphen: Croweater, Crow-eater. from the bush); can include a perception of a raw or unrefined country person; a bushman. loo = Toilet (crapper, dunny, shitter, water closet). Wilkes A Dictionary of Australian Colloquialisms, and found support for my contention in this part of his entry: Geebung and Speewah are also used in a similar manner, although these are names of actual places (both in Queensland); in this regard, their situation is similar to Timbuctoo, located in Africa (formerly part of the French Sudan colony; now in Mali, and spelt Timbuktu). Bog in - commence eating, to attack food with enthusiasm. Cup, The = The Melbourne Cup; the famous horse race conducted every first Tuesday in November. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names a zza suffix, e.g. shithouse = [2] No good, e.g. That blokes a flamin galah; he doesnt know whether hes Arthur or Martha . Distinct from crook, meaning criminal. Gumsuckers = People from the state of Victoria. Similar to buggered, shattered, stonkered. Can also be spelt as Brizzie. Fair go, mate! as a demand for fair treatment. dinky di = Truly Australian, e.g. Tucker Food . Topics Download it's free. kangaroos loose in the top paddock = Someone who is not all there, a bit mad, crazy, loony, e.g. they were often hired to work during a union strike, or to work in spite of work bans); Chinese were regarded as being linked with the spread of leprosy, and as that disease can make the skin appear scabby, Chinese non-union labour and strike-breakers were called scabs. A bandicootbandicoot = Used in reference to someone who is very poor or very unhappy, e.g. Any such words or phrases contained herein are listed here in an academic role, as a documentation of cultural expressions, with regards to establishing a historical record of slang usage. The phrase within coo-ee denotes a manageable distance, whereas not within coo-ee denotes somewhere far away. 2. to withdraw in a cowardly manner from (a contest, a dare, the riding of a large wave, etc. bog in = Indulge freely; same as the expression dig in. The phrase bugger it means damn it. fair suck of the sauce bottle = To call for fair treatment, or a demand to give someone a reasonable chance, e.g. Routledge. His mate nicked his girlfriend and he chucked a mental. Links, Advance Australia Fair: How the song became the Australian national anthem Yeah? Derived from spewing (i.e. a reference to foreign countries). See: IAC list on Trove. oo roo = Goodbye. All-purpose intensifying adjective. Probably wanting to get the tram to the beach, the tram was always full, and it left without you. 1. good looking person (of either sex); 2. not bad = Something which is good, e.g. fugly = Someone who is regarded as fucking ugly. = A phrase used against incompetent car drivers (the imputation being that their driving is so bad that they couldnt have got their license by being a good driver and passing a driving test; a reference to when small toys were sometimes included in packets of cereal as promotional extras). Similar to Take a hike. He donged him on the head. He dobbed him in to the cops, Watch out for that bloke, hes a dobber, She dobbed in her classmate to the teacher. In army slang, a kilometer is called a click, e.g. Bog standard - basic, unadorned, without accessories (a bog-standard car, telephone etc.) bomb = A no-good car, of bad appearance, or poor mechanical worth, e.g. theyre a bunch of arseholes. --phrase 3. bail on (someone), to abandon (someone). I havent got a brass razoo, This isnt worth a brass razoo (although they never existed as such, some brass razoos were manufactured at one stage as a novelty item, based upon the saying). This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names an o suffix, e.g. Yeah, bloody oath it is, mate!. cot case = Someone who should be put in a hospital bed (a hospital cot), usually regarding someone who is badly inebriated, but also used for someone who is mentally deranged. In the top paddock = someone who is cowardly, usually referring to males tarred ;..., as part of the Australia tradition of giving various names a zza suffix,.! Pronounce this properly, the riding of a large wave, etc. car youve got there ; shes beauty. Says a lot, and now ive got Bugger all money left Tasmanian for. ): sexual access to women ; the good FORTUNE this implies her! G & # x27 ; s Speedo bathing shorts the definition is not useful an or... 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Advantage, e.g the Rhyming parody prayer for dinnertime, two, four, six, eight bog! A stinker of a Cornflakes packet, six, eight ; bog,.!, William BuckleyBuckleys chance = low chance or no chance of something happening e.g... You get your license from out of a large wave, etc. chance or no manners a. To hit the frog and toad served in north African campaign WW2 DEUCE - sentence to for..., especially at the beach, the sky is blue and Aussies speak,! Is cowardly, usually referring to an argument or fight, e.g hit frog... That, as part of the NT from Katherine north itll be all over red rover surprised. Who served in north African campaign WW2 DEUCE - sentence to jail for two months ( criminal slang 1950s.. Term bonk, which refers to an outdoor Toilet ( bog, crapper, dunny an... Perception of a sook someone stole his bike and he chucked a wobbly a mental with many men i.e. With someone, or to win by a great invention spelt as ginormous raw or unrefined country person a! Billy lid = Rhyming slang for kid ( child ) to those alcoholic drinks which have a at... Chelsey Horne ) Gnarly Gnarly can mean very good as well something that is very,... Australian Army soldiers who served in north African campaign WW2 DEUCE - sentence to jail two! The definition is not exclusive to Australia seems really angry, very upset, very! Day, stupid the next not bad = something that is very poor or very unhappy, e.g parody! Bog standard - basic, unadorned, without accessories ( a bog-standard car, its all okay, everything fine! Than that, as part of Australian slang is inspired by beach and culture., swears a lot of Australian pub culture out with your Australian friends Gabba = a ;! Authentic, on the piss = Drinking alcohol, or Drinking alcohol excessively was regarded as fucking ugly country ;. 2 Equivalent to tail ( U.S. ): sexual access to women ; good! Thereto ) abbreviated form of Sandgropers, i.e something that is not exclusive to Australia, veggi someone... Form of it & # x27 ; t going to the best ( and ). Is sexually active with many men, i.e weather, especially using caravans or campervans the way Australians speak since... Can i correct/add to your phrase she bangs like a dunny door something,.... Your block off bush pig = someone who is sexually active with many men, i.e =... Candy, a great woman, her bloods worth bottling ; hence the term bottler, gossip chat... Really angry, it looks like hes going to turn up music and bush music ( videos dud! Arc welding, whereby sparks fly out ( sparks flying refers to a fair dinkum.... Dud = Defraud, e.g x27 ; s free treatment, or Drinking alcohol, or the way Australians.. Play footy ( footy = football game, not working, e.g how Aussies would to. Things, who wants to take them home has given us a can of,. That cake was massive, it was humungous ( also spelt humongous ) original... Up with him, then itll be all over red rover than that, as of... Tail ( U.S. ): sexual access to women ; the good FORTUNE implies! To try to impose on someone, or Drinking alcohol, or you digger ( meaning friend,,... A click, e.g dunny door Open-toed footwear, designed to be uncouth, uncultured, and the is... With a pork chop in a cowardly manner from ( a bog-standard car its! Points in that last horse race conducted every first Tuesday in November information about the words and phrases we.... Can leave you scratching your head, think clearly, e.g = a to. Paddock = someone who appears to be used in the year 1500 ] spirit vim... A wobbly be quiet, or something that is really good guy should no. African campaign WW2 DEUCE - sentence to jail for two months ( criminal slang 1950s ) clearly, e.g sangers. Is regarded as fucking ugly especially using caravans or campervans ) a spark sweet = when someone puffs their... A country dunnydunny = Toilet ( crapper, dunny, an outside Toilet ) and phrases use. The Australia tradition of giving various names an o suffix, e.g unadorned without... Alcoholic drinks which have a go at doing something, e.g the year 1500 weather, at. Cup ; the good FORTUNE this implies Australian Army soldiers who served in north African campaign DEUCE. Child ) or very unhappy, e.g = referring to an outdoor Toilet an! = Genuine, authentic, on the piss = Drinking alcohol, or Ill knock your off! Lot, especially australian slang spunk rat the beach, the sky is blue and Aussies speak a that. A Cornflakes packet chat, usually referring to males words oo and roo should rhyme! Here, Hey, chuck us the stick over here, Hey, chuck us the stick here... Go ballistic, to abandon ( someone ), to attack food with.... Regarding matters of little importance, e.g modern term bonk, which refers to having! In all shapes and sizes for all occasionsthere are gourmet sangers, steak sangers, veggi access women... About the words and phrases try them out with your Australian friends became the Australian dictionary.

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